#TGIF . I really need a break out of studies right now . Maybe watching a movie or so this weekend . Hmm . Needa relax myself abit . Tskkkkkkkkkk . School is just too stressed up .
Today wasn't that bad . Had only like half a normal school days of lessons which is like 3 lessons only .
Morning woke up on my own . Went to check the time , 6:17 . And I faster went back to bed hoping I could just faster fall asleep and treasure that 3 mins . LOL . Then before I fell asleep again my father came and wake me up . Gahh . I slept quite early last night at around 11:30 but I'm still so freaking tired . Wahkaoz . Washed up and had breakfast . Went to school . Was almost late I think . But nah . I haven't been late before . Haaah . Went up Control room and start doing my work . It was raining at the moment so there wasn't any celebration Friday . Sad laaaah . No time wasting today . :(
Hmm . First period was Mother Tongue . Talked about compo and stuff etc . Was boring . Almost fell asleep . Then had a spelling test . I only gotten 1/30 correct . SHIT THIS . LOL . Haha .
Next was DNT . Went to the Library . Was supposed to hand in Ideation today . But I didn't . Cause I've yet to finish . And I'm so dead on Monday . But well . ._. FORGET IT . HAHA .
After that was recess ! Was quite early at that time . Haaah . Most lower sec still have yet to return to their class . But well . I just wanna eat . So I went to buy food first . Went to our table and there is still people sitting there eating . Well . I awkwardly put my food down on the table . LOL . Had to wait till they eat finish before I sat down and eat my food . Hmmm . After awhile all came down and eat . Was quiet the first few to finish eating so I do not need to clear the plates ! Haha !
After recess was English . Boring lessons . But well . Which lesson isn't boring to me ? HAHA . Mr.Faraz came in and talked about report writing . Then went online find words ask us copy only . Almost everybody was drop dead . So was I ! Haah .
After that school ended ! Yayyyyy . Was helping Eugene to write his notes to Ms Chong cause it's her last day in school or something like that idon'tknow laaah ! NPCC Sec 4s all got buy 1 flower give her . If only our AVA members was this sweet . HAHA . After that was about to go home till I walked to canteen and saw Grace . She asked me to stay and wait with her till 3PM for her SYF results . Stayed . Then suddenly her juniors came running to her saying they got distinction and then she just disappeared till nowhere ! Left me and Kogina over there . Kogina was just sleeping on the table and I just had to look around for people to play with . Gahhh , Stupid Grace left us there waiting . For like almost 1 hour or so I can't take the boredness I just went to Control Room to do some planning . Browse through some old photos ! Hmm . After that went down and Grace was finding me . Cheehhhh . Finally she can go . ._. Went to admiralty and bought Mac home for lunch . Back home , bathed and had Mac ! Love their Citrus Thai Shaker Fries ! It's nice . It seriously had the Thai taste ! Gahhh love it even though its spicyyyy . LOL . Haven't try the double black pepper flamer . DON'T THINK I'M GONNA TRY . LOL . I'm just too scared that its toooo spicy . LOL . HAH . Wanted to try their Thousand Island Sauce Fillet O Fish derh . In the end when I remember today then it wasn't selling anymore ! Gahhh . Cause yesterday they came out with the new Double Black Pepper Flamer meal and then the Thousand Island sauce FilletOFish was not available for sale anymore . :( Pftttt . After eating Mac was lying down on sofa browsing twitter watching TV . And soon after awhile I fall asleep . AHHHHH WHY MUST I FALL ASLEEP RIGHT AFTER EATING MAC . CONFIRM FAT ONE LA WALAO . :( TSK . Woke up at around 7+ . Dad bought dinner back and I started eating again . Like this still won't fat ah ! Haishh kept eating this few days . :(
After that watch some TV and then came back in room using my Lappy . And then now I'm blogging . LOL . Don't you feel my daily routine is always the same if you go and compare my blogpost everyday . Haha . It's always morning woke up go school , what lesson what lesson , end school , go home , sleep , wake up then dinner , tv , then back to room blogging .. HAHA . It's like always the same everyday . LOL .
Hmmm . Wanted to do A-Maths homework . But nah I'm just too lazy today . ._. A-Maths this week was disaster tsk . Mr.Lim just kept on coming in and rage us only . Then keep bomb us with homework then need hand in by tomorrow . Then that night everybody chiong then next day he never even collect . walaoooo . Somemore the next day I had E-Maths test and I didn't have any time to revise all because of his stupid homework . GAHH . -.- Stupid A-Maths . Hate studying arghh .
Aiyahh sua . Gonna go find some shows to watch right now . Maybe Running Man ? Cheer myself up ! Haha . Since theres Jessica in Ep141 . Shall go watch now . Goodbye people ! :D .
It's KimTaevin pressing the Publish button ! :) GOODNIGHT . :D
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