Bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh , I'm back to post again . Haha . It's 10:46 and I'm damn tired right now . But still , pushing myself to blog ! Haha . Hmm . Will try to keep this post as short as possible . Had our WRSS Annual Sports Day today ! Haha . This week is quite a short week . We had HomeBasedLearning & Sports day this weeks ! Which means , no school for 2 days ! :D .
HEHE . So i'll be posting about HBL & Sports Day . :) It will be short post cause theres still school tomorrow and I'm damn TIRED . :(
Hmm . So yesterday we had HBL . Needa go online and do the assignment needed for the day . LOL . Jiawen ask Me&ShiHui to go her house again . Went to her house last year and we went again this year . Was suppose to meet with Shi Hui at 9 AM . Couldn't wake up . So was late for like 30mins or so . LOL . Rushedd to Admiralty @ Around 9:30 . Luckily Mum made me breakfast while I was preparing . I was so god damn hungry . Hahahaha ! Ate while on the way to admiralty . Meet with Shi Hui and MRT-ed to Serangoon . Talked about Yong Hang & Yong Bao on the way . LOL . Reached Serangoon and we met up with JiaWen @ NEX Mall . yeah JiaWen live at Serangoon . LOL . SIAO RIGHT . :3 After that they went to Mac to buy breakfast . Then Mac having the what 1 min challenge if they can't prepare finish the thing within 1 min then will have free ice cream cone . LOL . Shi Hui's order completed within 1 min . But Jia Wen's didn't and she was like screaming YES YES right in front the counter . LOL WTH . Damn funny . Then we walked to Jia Wen's house and started doing homework . Was quite easy . We use one persons account do then use another account just copy the answer . HAHA . E-Maths was the easiest . LOL . Don't needa do anything . Just reading . Haha ! So we read finish then jiu close the window . Haha ! After that just listening to songs using iPad . Slacked , ate dinner at Jia Wen house then jiu go back Woodlands liaoooo . MRT-ed back . Reach home at around 9+ . Haha . Rest for the day after bathing ! :) Photos for now !
TWIST . (Y) With Jiawen . |
AGAIN . :3 |
The next day was Sports Day ! Super excited for it ! Haha . Running for CCA Relay this year . First time taking part for CCA relay , nervous !! Haha . Wanted to do something for CCA on sports day before graduating . Haha . Morning woke at around 6:30+ . Had Maggie for breakfast . Don't dare to eat so full because I didn't want to puke halfway when running . Haha ! Went to bath at around 6:45 . Going to be late anytime . Haha ! Started rushing and sat daddy car to the stadium . Haha . Didn't told daddy today is sports day . So when I went onto his car I was like , Woodlands Stadium please . Haha !! As if sitting taxi . LOL . After that they say 7:15 jiu late liaoo . Reached there at around 7:18 and the gate was still open . Teachers also just arrived too LOL . Then went in and went up to the AV area at the stadium which is at the most top . Haha put my bag on chair and went down to report to Mr Fan . Ms Siti still not there yet . Maybe she's with St John , idk ! o-o After that morning assembly . National anthem and the pledge ! Then went back to class . Stay in class awhile and then started moving around . Went on to find friends to take photo with . With post those photos later on ! Haha but not all . Lazy to post everything . Maybe those with me only ? HAHA . Walk around and took photos . Actually from my point of view , I think it's only called Sports Day for those that is participating in the race . The rest should be called Photo-Taking-Day cause those that isn't running are all busy taking photos . LOL . And then there will be those , ANTI PARTICIPATION area right at the back . They will just sit right on top and live in their world . Kiddos to them . LOL . Then was like walking around the racing track taking photo . Then the more I think about I'm gonna race later the more nervous and scared I am the more chill I feel down my spine . LOL . Was really nervous that I actually tremble abit while I walk . LOL . Then soon they asked for those running for CCA Relay to report . AHH . Was kind of scared . LOL . Was running with Shi Xuan , Weoi Long & Godwin representing AVA . :3 Reported and we started to warm up first . After that we went to our respectively position . Shanice was at the same position at me too . She also 2nd runner for the Girls team . We were like at there talking about how nervous how to run etc . LOL . After that was finally my turn to be on position . LOL . Kinda scared . But well , just do my best . ._. Haha . Weoi Long is the 1st runner followed by me then Godwin then Shi Xuan last runner . Can't see where Weoi Long is running . LOL . Only can see him when he was somewhere near me . Then I started running first . Got onto the baton and I started to chiong . LOL . Luckily nobody caught up with me . :D At least maintain a first place for AVA . Then passed the baton to Godwin . Then he grab till my hand together with the baton then at there stuck for quite a few seconds . Ahhh . Then somehow slow down . Didn't saw if anybody catched up . LOL . Then Godwin passed the baton to Shi Xuan . And then Shi Xuan was like around the same pace with Wei Ann . He keep chiong but still A LITTLE behind Wei Ann . LOL . I shouted Shi Xuan to be faster . Don't know if he can hear . Lol . Then the race ended . From our view we all say we got 2nd . Band got 1st . Was very saddening you know . Arghhh . :( After that band members was like saying we got 1st we got 1st then ava members all saying we got 2nd . LOL . IN THE END GUESS WHAT .
WE WON 1ST . |
LOL . BELIEVE IT OR NOT WE WERE 1st MAN . :3 HAHA . Heard that it's because we won them by 0.08 secs . Which is like 8 milisec . WOOHOO . LADYLUCK IS ON OUR SIDE . LOVE THE ONES THAT PRESSED THE STOPWATCH . LOL . HAHA . So AVA boys team gotten 1st ! While Girls team was ... NEVERMIND . LOLOL . Girls Team are supposed to win 3 year in a row . :( But in the end they only won for 2 year . While its our 2nd win for the boys ! haha . Yayyyy . Actually our enemy out of the whole race is only Band . LOL . They have been wanted to win us like for the past year . LOL . yeahhhhhhh .
After running was super tired . Nothing much after it . Just went around and continue taking photos . Went to eat Mac with Shi Hui after Sports Day then went home to rest ! Slept till around 7+ and wake up for dinner . Started doing homework till now blogged ! HAHA . Short short post . Not gonna post much . Photos for now !
Mdm Reh with me ! :D
Janica & Me ! :)
Ms Dieh with ME ! :) She's our new training co-form !
The winning team for the BOYS CCA Relay ! :D
ME WITH ENDI . He is like " you watch out ."
Me with meh medddal .
(Y) . TWIST . :D
NOW WITH JIAWEN . Errr . Lying on me ? o-o .
HAHA . Hmm thats about all . Lazy to upload anymore photos . :P Maybe next time when I'm more free ! Haha . Ahhh shitzxc . I'm damn tired right now . Gotta sleep already . It's already like 11:54 . Theres still school tomorrow ! Ahhh shit . My leg is still freaking cramp . Tomorrow sure die . SOMEBODY BLESS ME TOMORROW . T_T . Ahhh . This is KimTaevin pressing the publish button . :) GOODNIGHT . ♥
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