The time went by past and its already like April of the year already omgoshhhhhh . Soon my N'Level is gonna come and I'm gonna be rushing like mad . ._. Ahhh shit . Let's relax right now and blog a little . :D

Goodbye March , Hello April ! ♥ Please be good to me . :)
#AprilWishes ? Hmm . I just hope I'll score well for my N'Level and I'll get to PFP ! :) HEHE . And also hope I won't be that lazy laaah . :/
Moving On ~
Hmm today is April Fools day right ? :) How was your day . Any funny prank to share about ? HAHA .
Wanted to prank teachers today but nobody is being cooperative . >.<
Hmm Nevermind shall start from the startttttt !
Morning woke up , wash up and stuff . Went to bath . Then off I went to school . Was almost lateeee ! But well who cares . HAHA . After that , was at Control Room doing stuff . Hmm . So basically today went by quite fast . :(
First lesson was DNT . Was damn scared that Mrs Kok gonna be coming in . But luckily , SHE DIDN'T . ♥ YAYYYYY . MILLION BLESSING FOR MELVIN ! (Y) . HEHE . Didn't do my DNT work at all . LOL . We went to computer lab to do our Ideation and stuff . Was slacking around laaah . Sianx . Was having flu . :( Arghh Flu sucks . After DNT was E-Maths . 1&Half hour of E-MATHS . Wahpiang . Sianx ahhhh . Went through some new subject . But obviously I wasn't listening . Was rushing through homework . HEHE . After E-MATHS was Recess . Ahhhh . The only period I like the most . HAHA . I'M VERY HUNGRYYYYY . Ran towards the store to queue up . Wah sianx sial . XINTIEN after that came and cut my queue . Then say give me $2 then let her cut the queue . Walao eh . Think I so money minded ah . Asked if she wants the $2 back , she said nope . Then I just took it . NEVER SAY NO TO MONEY . :3
Haha ! After that bought food back and eat . etc etc . After recess was SS . Everybody discussing wanted to prank MRS TAN . But she came in quite early . :( Didn't had the chance . Arghhh . SS was very boring . LOL . Me HuiXin & ShiHui is like just singing all the way throughout . We're talking about yesterday's CSS . Haha ! After that halfway Mrs Tan say she wanna go to the staff room and take the notes . Then we started discussing again wanting to prank Mrs Tan . Then Mrs Goh suddenly came in Walaooo . Spoiler . Spoil our plan . Haha . Wanted whole class go out and stand one sial ._. After that we suggested offing all the doors and windows and lights then everybody sit under the table . But then nobody want cooperate . LOL . Then drag drag drag till she came back . ah sianxxx . LOL . But she didn't realize the lights are off ! HAHA . Till quite awhile later she ask why is it so dark you all want be romantic isit . Is this some kind of April Fools joke anot . LOL . Then everybody started laughing . Haha . Then she continue teaching etc . After SS was A-MATHS . Nah . Nobody dare to prank Mr.Lim . HAHA . He came in first thing jiu started scolding people . Haish sianx . After that go through homework etc etc . Hmmmph . BORING . After that was Lunch Break . Was rushing A-Maths homework with Shi Hui . Haha . Sianx laaaah . HATE FLU . Wanna just lie down and sleep sial . TSK . After that was MT . Mr.Fan . Wanted to prank him also , but people just keep on discussing what to do but nobody did anything . In the end he came also . TSKTSK . ._. Walao eh . :3 HAHA . We have a Email writing test today . Lucky I did bring my dictionary . :3 HAHA . Wrote quite long . But I think I won't score very high . At most 15/20 ? ._.
Well whatever . LOL . I almost died doing it sial . My FLU was like killing me . ._. Idiot shittt . After that after school was rushing homework again . Then my FLU got worst and worst . WALAO . After doing everything I faster rush home . Suppose to go Stadium and run etc but then raining . And I wasn't feeling well , so I just went home . HMMPH . Came back home , Bathed , ate some kuehs left over from yesterday 扫墓 . After that used com awhile felt sleepy and I went to sleep . HAHA . Slept from 5+ to 8 . LOL . My father was like calling me MELVIN AH . SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP NIGHT NO NEED SLEEP ALREADY . LOL . Then I woke up but still nuaing in bed . Was talking to people on whatsapp chat . Trying to prank them . Haha . After that wake up and had my dinner and stuff . After that just watched T.V and came in room to use computer and stuff . Then now I'm blogging right now . Haha . Took quite long to blog this post but nevermind . Haha . Tomorrow no school ! Been telling my mother I don't feel like going school tomorrow and she kept asking me why and I say cause I have the same surname as Lee Kwan Yew . LOLOL . HAHA . After that told her cause tomorrow is HOME-BASED-LEARNING . :3 Stay at home and use your laah ! HAHA . Jia Wen asked me to go her house tomorrow to help her with doing her work . ._. LOL . Meeting with Shi Hui tomrrow at 9 and I'm still not resting for the day . ARGH I FEEL MY STOMACH GROWLINGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG . >: HUNGRY . HAHA . Had fun just now pranking people that I'm sick and I won't be going to school for the rest of the week . HAHA . LOL . Grace believed and she whatsapp me Get Well Soon . LOLOLOL . OKAY I'M HUNGRY RIGHT NOW . AHHHHHHHHH . Gotta sleep already laaaah . Hmm . It's 2:25 right now ! GoodNight peeps ! ♥ HEHE . It's KimTaevin pressing the Publish button right now . BYEEEEEEEEEE :)
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