It's been like a month since I last posted ? Hahah ! Was damn busy and also lazy . So when busy & lazy unites , you know what happens . :) hehe . But then its the holiday right now . So I kinda find some motivation to start blogging again . haha . oh well . Hehe . Was working for the past few days with Zhi Xian and Matthew . From last Thursday to Sunday . 6June-9June . EXPO PC SHOW 2013 . Overall it was still okayyy . Not really that good or bad . Just neutral . Haha . Still remembered that during Day 1 was still kinda excited when going there . Not knowing how the booth look like , not knowing who I'll meet and stuff . Hehe . Meet up with Zhi Xian & Matthew early in the morning not wanting to be late for the first day . We were like meeting at 9 at Admiralty MRT . Was supposed to meet Matthew first at Admiralty then meet Zhi Xian at Sembawang . But then in the morning Matthew didn't reply any whatsapp at all . Kept calling him also no answer . I thought he still sleeping sial . Almost want to go find his family number already then he answered my call . ._. Told me he was on the way already . ._. LOL . Then I met with Zhi Xian at Sembawang first . Then we went to Bishan to wait for Matthew . He came at around 9:45 . And he were saying don't worry we're on time ! LOL . Was just rubbishing with Zhi Xian at the MRT station while waiting for Matthew . MRT from Admiralty to Bishan change to Circle Line to Paya Lebar changed to East West line to Tanah Merah before we changed to another MRT to reached EXPO in the next stop . VERY COMPLICATED RIGHT . :3 Haha . After that we reached EXPO around 10:30 ? It's still very early at the moment . LOL . Were supposed to reach there at 11 but was early . Called Uncle William and guess what he was still on the way . ._. He was lateeeee . LOL . While waiting for him I saw quite a few of our former WRS Student . LOL . Saw Zhong Hao walking pass me and didn't heard me calling him as he was on his ear piece . LOL . After that we were like . Erm how does Uncle William looked like ? LOL . After that when he reached at around 11:15 , he call us to go to Hall 5 Entrance . Walked to Hall 5 Entrance and then we remembered his face . LOL . Haha . Walked in with him and then the Security guards stopped us . He said that all of us need to have a pass to go in . While only Uncle William have the pass then he needa go in and take the pass from his colleague . Then we had to wait outside again . LOL . After that he came out and brought us our pass and we returned him after we went in . Awww :( Thought that we could have it with us . LOL . :3After that went to our booth which is at 5028 . CaseLogic&TheHeadphoneGallery . Put down our bags and they ask us to start help to unwrap the thing . Then we unwrap here there everywhere . Help arrange them nicely etc . After that it's soon time to let the shoppers come in which is like 12 PM . After that we're assigned to 1 different location each to promote and sell our stuff . And also Boss tell us that the thing he scared the most is shop lifter . He said that there will always be shoplifting for every roadshow . So he ask us to be extra careful . Everytime when he petrol walk pass us he will always be like , Must be alert and look out ah . LOL . After that customers started coming in . Mostly is Indians and Malay . Hardly any Chinese customer . Okay laaah . Few here and there . LOL . We did not have any trainings at all etc and whenever customer ask us question we'll just find someone which know more than us which is either Jasper/Marion :3 . If not we'll just find one stupid shits to tell the customer . LOL . Everytime they will be like "Which is better for Music listening only ah ?" And I'll be like looking for the headphones then found one which says Bigger Bass and I'll tell them that is better cause it has more bass compared to others . LOL . :3 Just make up some stupid information which I don't even know if it's true . LOL . Haha . First day was tiring like fuuck . It's been long since I last stand so long sial . 10-11 hours straight standing no seating down at all . :( . Even Lunch time & Dinner time also no chair to sit ! Lunch was rather late . Like around 2+ for day 1 , 3+ for day 2 , 2+ for day 3 and 2+ for day 4 too . Dinner was also about the same . 7-8+ for day1-4 . Food was like mostly Mixed Vegetables Rice & Chicken Rice . LOL . Others all like so nice eh . Japanese bento set etc etc . Ours like ... LOL . :3 NVM . HAHA . Day 1 ended like around 9:48+ when we done wrapping the things back together . And then Boss was like hmm you all live at Woodlands you all go home first uh . And then we were like yayyyyy . Day 1 finally ended . LOL . Then we took MRT from dk where to where I forgotten . But I remember its a longer route . LOL . So it's around 12 when I reached home . :( Tiring day . For day 2 , Matthew was like , I meet you all at Bishan . LOL . So he went to Bishan first . I then later met Zhi Xian at Admiralty then went to Bishan and met up with Matthew . And we went to EXPO through changing of MRT here and there . Reach EXPO at around 10:50+ also . Called Uncle William and he brought our pass out for us and then keep it again . :( After that did the same thing , unwrap stuff , arrange them nicely and then start working when customers comes in . Was at the same position for Day 2 also . And it was really boring . LOL . Just walk here and there make sure theres no shop lifting going around . And then I'm like lazy to introduce whatever shits to customer so I just stood next to them when their looking at the headphones . LOL . I still saw Zhi Xian & Matthew like going around "Hi How may I help you ?" While all I did is just stand next to the customer . :3 This is not slacking okay . If I'm the customer I'll wish those sales person just leave me alone till I ask for them . I want to browse through my things alone with peaceful surrounding . Haha . So I gave them their "PERSONAL SPACE" hahaha . It was almost the same thing for Day 1 & 2 . Just that Zhi Xian got changed to promote laptop bag in the mid of Day1-Day2 . Haha . Then boss was like asking "Eh wheres your pass ?" I told him I don't have . Then he was like give me his . Then ask me go find out how many don't have pass . Then I found out for him already then go and tell him then he's talking to his friend or something . LOL . But oh well . I gotten my pass ! For Day 2 at the later part of the day which is like around After lunch or dinner , people start wanting to buy the luggage . Damn busy I swear . ._. Our luggage is like so cheap . 20 Inch for $30 , 24 Inch for $50 , 28 Inch for $70 . WHERE TO FIND . Somemore it can turn 360 degree plus its a hard case . Confirm alot people buying ah . Day 2 Boss bring in a lot of stock for the luggage . At first we're still thinking that the stock is too much already very hard to sell . Then in the end the respond is like so good sial . Lol . Cause theres 3 size to the luggage and then theres few different colours . People are like choosing different sizes for different colour . The worst thing is that all the new language are pack together . Means like for the 20" is pack inside 24" and then 24" is pack inside 28" . And mostly people wanna buy 20" one eh . Then I had to keep open up 2 luggages to get the small luggage . WALAO EH . Haha . Damn tiring I swear for Day 2 . Then theres this chio colleague I noticed ever since Day 1 la . Then at Day 2 around the ending time she came over the luggage here and talked to customers . LOL . Some Indians came and she talked to them LOL . She was like . Buy this for your girlf la . Pink colour one . Haha . Then auntie Vergie was like . Where you going for Holiday ? Far far away one buy the Large one . Go Thailand buy the medium one . Go Malaysia the small one can already . HAHAHA . Damn funny . That chio colleague is called Diane la . After that Diane went on talking with them like haha where are you from ? India ? which part of India ? Hahaha . After she is like you all eat curry one right . Chicken Curry ? Vegetables curry ? I don't like Vegetables curry . Do you all eat Green Curry ? LOL Then she was like at there laughing to herself then I told her Green Curry not Thailand one mey . LOLOL . HAHA . After that we both just stood there laughing and talking to the Indians . After that the Indians just went off . LOLOL . HAHA . Then me and Diane both looked at each other and can't stop laughing . Haha . She say they just come here talk cock only never buy anything . Hahaha ! LOL . After that that ends my Day 2 . And then I was like thinking last day needa take photo with Diane . Then when we're all talking our bag that time , Diane took out her Gongcha that maybe she bought in the morning or something LOL . Then we're like walao Gongcha no jio . Then I tell her tomorrow buy for me then she is like today is my last day working at this roadshow already . AWWWW . She's not coming for Day 3&4 . :( Haha . Then we were like bye bye bye then I forgotten take photo with her . WALAO . ._. LOL . After that Matthew father came and fetch us back home . WEEE . Thanks Uncle ! Reached home at around 11 and my mother was shock . I told her I took taxi home and she believed . LOL . After that I tell her the truth LOL . Haha . Went to sleep straight right after bathing ! Thats it for my Day 2 !
For Day 3 . It's almost the same uh . Matthew Dad fetch us in the morning and drove us to EXPO. Yay ! Thankyou Uncle again . Reached EXPO at around 11:11 . LOL . Nice number . :3 HAHA . This time round don't needa call Uncle William . Cause the previous I didn't return my pass . HAHAHAHA . :3 Went home with it . So I can just go in while Zhi Xian and Matthew gotta wait outside while I go in and take their pass for them . LOL . After that when we came in again , we just did the usual shits . haha . Help Sid who is selling the home system player to set up his area as he is like almost late . LOL . Haha . Then when he reached we were like Hey ! Haha . Then he said this damn funny thing . LOL . " Haish , Same Shits , Different Day ." HAHAHAH ! Damn funny at that point of time . LOL . :3 At Day 3 our position got changed . I was doing the last lane which is like the outside lane la . Then Zhi Xian one next to me which is the middle and Matthew was doing the inside lane . Then Boss was like why you're alone doing the outside lane ? Outside most easy to shoplift . Plus Day 3 is a Saturday confirm very crowded . So he transferred Matthew over to my lane too . Weee . 3 of us can talk again . Hahah ! LOL . Then we kept playing around with Sid . HAHA . LOL . Boss was like . Must be alert don't keep talking . Haha . He damn scared got shoplifting . I was like okay okay okay uh okay . LOL . Was just pretending to be alert looking around when I don't give a shits . LOL . I think somebody might have just successfully shoplifted without me knowing . Hahah ! whatever . :3 . Count them lucky ! Haha ! Then in the morning when there isn't so much people around . I was like walking and patrolling my lane . Then theres this sales girl who is like selling insurance derh her name is called Kimberly . LOL . She dyed her hair red . Damn nicee . Haha . She came and asked me , "you all is stand here outside guard us from going inside one isit" . LOL . Then I was like No laaah we're sales promoter . LOL . Then she is like , don't lie la . We won't go in one . Hahaha . Then we just smiled and she walked away . LOL . Then after awhile heard that theres somebody shoplifted at the inner part of the booth and was caught . LOL . Now he has to pay double . Boss came and remind us to be alert again . LOL . After that Day 3 ended like pretty fast . Kinda tired . Matthew Dad came and fetch us again . THANKYOU UNCLE AGAIN . hehe . Reached home around 11 too . Bathed and slept !
Day 4 Matthew father didn't fetch us go EXPO . And we had to go ourselves . LOL . Had to transfer here there everywhere again for the MRT . Its like transfer here and there that we got confused . LOL . Matthew was like walking to the wrong MRT in Day 4 and we are like calling him and then he can't hear us . LOL . Zhi Xian ran into the MRT to called him out before the MRT door closed . LOL . Waited for the correct MRT and we're like , Aiya . Last day already . Late also don't care . LOL . So we reached EXPO like around 11:30 . LOL . Hahaha . This time round we all 3 had our pass cause we didn't gave them back our pass . LOL . So we just walked in together . Hehe . When we reached the things is like already arranged properly already . Yayy . We don't have to do it again . LOL . Haha . Started working at 12 . Same position as Day 3 . Walked around again and then me and Matthew was like keep on talking about that Kimberly . LOL . We call her the Red Head Kimberly . LOL . :3 Hehe . Was like fooling around already since it's the last day . So I'm sure there is sure to be a person that succeed shoplifting at our lane . LOL . haha . Was like counting down to 9:30PM cause thats around when we can go home . Haha . In the end ley , After everything ended , we need to help pack up all those things that isn't sold . WALAO . LOL But its fun anyway . Haha . Played around with colleagues . Tape those boxes and was like gl-ing each other . LOL . After that we were asked to push those trolley of goods out to our truck . Then we're like okay lets go . Then we were like playing as if we're in Fast 6 . HAHA . LOL . Damn funny . LOL . After that we got like a can of Fuji Apple to drink . YAY . HAHAHA . After that when we go back , Boss was like , you all can go back already la . Here leave to them . And then we were like YAYYYYY . Haha . Exchanged few Instagram account with those working over there . After that Zhi Xian wanna do his those stupid handstands again . ._. Irritating . Haha . Matthew father was like pissed already cause he has been waiting for so long . Its around like 10/11+ when we leave . Hmmm . Damn awkward cause his father is like damn pissed . ._. SORRY UNCLE . Then he drove us back to our house again . THANKYOU UNCLE . :D . haha . After that went home and bathed . Surf the net for awhile before I turn in ! haha . It was damn fun for this 4 days . Earned like $70 per day and total is $280 ! :D . Zhi Xian was like hoping we'll get more money . LOL . I think he's still dreaming . LOL . Hehe . Shall post some photos now . :D .

This is taken when we're going for Interview . Haha .
Then this is taken when we just ended work for Day 1 !
Saw that bitxh over there ? Kill her .
When it this right you know that its , Love at first sight . ♥
Eh let's kiss . Haha .
Me with ZhiXian after work during Day 3 .
This photos seems to be squeezed . ._.
This too . LOL .
Taken with Sid ! Haha .
Zhi Xian and his handstand at the last day .
Full sum up for the past 4 days ! :D
These headphones are cool . They cost more than my 4 days salaries . *Gugh*
Haha . Thats it for this post . :) Hope I could work with those people soon again . Haha . Maybe after my N Level ? Haha . Shall end this post right now . :) This is KimTaevin pressing the Publish button . BYEBYE . :D .
Fall in love with this song while working there . Hehe .
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