teacher tell us th dancer cant play P.E thn we were lik WHYESS ?! thn teacher say cuz wan rehersal ; thn we say LOL ! hahas ; thn went up th hall slack thn teacher qoo staff room take lappy . we went up run around haha . thn teacher come , ask who's runninq ard we all faster come out from th back . thn we started dancinq :D hahas . we started to tink of ideas . thn we tink of eatinq monster sweet tat time to make our tonque colourful as we ned our tonque tat day (: hahas . then aft tat qather to hav reflection on th dancinq (: turn behind see two class behind liao . luckily not dancinq aqain . hahas if nortt damnn paisehxx . hmm , must Jiayousss horr
th-Fabulous Junior; we must do our best :D hahas ; Jiayouss for shuaii&cutee KL didi also . hahas ; must perform durinq qraduation party horr ; (: okyyeh , i swear i miss 6'RS now (: hahas . few more days then bbyes liao )'; sadded luh . ): hahas . must treasure everythinq we hav now (: tmr qoinq to prepare for JEP lerh hahas . thn aft th pract we qo bck to class , few more mins thn MT lerh ; watch th show aqain . LOL teacher told us that mayb today is last day for us to hav MT lesson lerh . hahas . thn i secretly take photo of samantha . MUHAHA hahas . ltr post the picture (: thn aft tat end MT lesson :D went bck to class (: teacher tok tok tok thn recess :D went wild aqain :D bullied th girll but turnn out to th girll bully mii ): LOL . hahas . thn went buy milo say who dare disturb me i shoot th milo out thn all so scared . LOL . aft tat went racinq here racinq thr . LOL . then went bck to class hit people thn tio hit thn alot thing lah . thn ss , finish whole book :D thn H.E , finish too :D LOL . now all concentrate on JEP lerh . aft tat JEP , pack th prize together . then we carried all the things to 5JU , our JEP class (: thn home sweet home (:
come bck msgg brother to buyy food forr mi eat cuz mother nvr cook . LOL . hahas . thn he come bck i eat thn play comp and blogg ! (: okyeh endingg here . bbyes . (: Melvin;
presentingg th pictures :D
Samantha :D reading profile book . LOL .