Was so excited on 20 March 2017 that I guess I woke up a little bit earlier than usual. Didn't have much to do since I've already packed everything and is ready to head off. Just doing some last minute checks to ensure that I've brought everything that I wanna bring over.
Mom knock off work earlier that day too probably to spend more time with me before I fly off awwhhh she must be missing me so much HAHAHAH. Mom asked me to try to sleep for awhile but I couldn't really sleep since I was kinda excited for the trip like omg its finally happening man. Been talking about it ever since months ago and now its finally happening haha.
Time flew past and it was time to get ready before having my dinner and head over to Changi Airport. Bathed and wore my SOT shirt and just when I finish styling my hair and about to use my hair spray, I realized it was totally empty already LOL I wanted to bring it over to Gold Coast to use but I totally didn't realize that it was already empty LOL FML was pressing it very hard trying to squeeze every bit out of it.
After that had my dinner and all till 8.20 before Joey's dad arrived to fetch us to Airport! Mom was so cute saying that she wants to accompany me down LOL.
My luggage was slightly bigger than average medium hence it was kind of hard to put it in the boot of the car but thanks to Joey's dad and boyfriend we managed to squeeze it in. Went to fetch Amelia next and we had a hard time before squeezing three medium luggage into the car boot LOL. Chat with Amelia and Joey for awhile in the car before reaching the Airport at around 9.30pm? The reporting time was 9.45pm so yay we're early. For once. HAHA.
Saw Jasmine and her mom while we were on the way walking to the assigned berth. My parents actually wanted to go to the airport to send me off but I kinda ask them not to because I'm taking a midnight flight and since my dad doesn't has a car now, its pretty much a hassle for them to travel all the way to Airport and there is work for them tomorrow so I asked them to stayed at home instead HAHA. Told them that they could fetch me when I am coming back instead.
Finally saw everyone at the assigned berth sitting and waiting and omg I finally feel the 100% excitement that this trip is going for real now. Finally out of so many tries, we're finally getting onto the plane man.
Saw Jessica who was there to sent us off and she was like "Eh Melvin, you look totally like a tourist with your DSLR". LOL Can't help it, many have said that I really look like a tourist when I'm holding my DSLR around my neck. Especially those China one LOL
Jessica & Me using my phone LOL |
So many cameras action going on that we have two separate group posing for two different camera LOL |
my Boarding Pass 😬 |
Mr Zachary, Ms Teeny Teh and Ms Grace Lim |
Losers with Ms Teh
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First Group Photo! |
After getting into the departure hall, we were given some time to roam around before meeting at the boarding room. Went with Wan Ling, Thiam Joe and Bruce to look around the perfume shop as they wanted to get some perfume. They were like asking me whether does this smells nice or not but damn my nose was totally blocked because I was sick the past few days before having flu so I totally couldn't smell anything LOL Wan Ling ended up buying a Marc Jacobs perfume and Thiam Joe bought the Calvin Klein Be. After that we just went around and roam in all the DFS. Their alcohols inside is really god damn cheap man you won't believe the difference in prices from all the bars outside.
After that it was time to gather at the boarding room and we were given the departure card for us to fill. We were all very careful when filling the departure card because our tour agency did told us before that Australia customs is very strict and they play mind games with the passengers. You've to cross whenever applicable in the card instead of ticks (which is common for other countries departure card) as they have stated in the instructions to cross. If they see that you are not following instructions, they would open up and search your luggage LOL. So most of us were just asking and confirming with each other to ensure that we're all writing the correct thing in the form.
It was finally time to board the plane and we're taking Singapore Airline. Tbh I wasn't really that excited anymore because I got to know that my seat on the plane wasn't a window seat. LOL (I want to film the view outside which is why I want the window seats man)
Our Plane that we're gonna take |
Was supposed to take the middle seat with Me, Bruce and then Thiam Joe. But Thiam Joe wanted to change with Phyllis so as to sit with Wan Ling. So I wanted to change with Bruce and take the middle seat since Bruce don't really know Phyllis but ended up JiaYing and Breelyn wanted to change with me and Bruce so the three of them could sit together. So we ended up changing here and there and yay I got the window seat in the end haha.
The moment everybody settle down they take out their earpiece and listen to their songs already. LOL while theres me trying to film using my DSLR and ended up waving so that I can catch their attention and ask them to wave to the camera LOL.
Phyllis, Breelyn & Jia Ying |
After filming and all, I settled down and begin to explore whatever there is in the plane. Each of us had a small interactive "TV" for us to watch movies, listen to songs or to play games. Bruce was like saying he wants to watch this dk what Mekong movie which is a Chinese movie LOL. I didn't really feel like watching a movie so I decided to listen to songs instead.
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Music Playlist |
The flight to Brisbane from Singapore was 8 hours omg thinking about it now I don't even know how I even survive that. Tried to sleep but couldn't really sleep so I just wore my eye mask and kept my eyes closed.
The facilitators had told the stewardess before hand not to serve any alcoholic drinks to us shag sia. They serve so many nice alcoholic drinks on board like Singapore Sling, Bloody Mary and all those Spirits and wine but we can't try any of it.
We were served 2 meals on board one being refreshments and another being breakfast. The food was gooodddd af man. It taste really nice.
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Our refreshment Braised Beehoon with Mushrooms 😋 |
Our breakfast Cheese Chive Omelette 😋 |
Just when I was about 30% asleep, Bruce woke me up and like "eh want try. I managed to get the Singapore Sling" LOLOLOL HAHA tried it and it taste nice but I just went back to hibernating mood after that haha.
There was this point of time where I felt like there was a small flash shining on my right eyes and initially I thought it was the stewardess or anybody thats just trying to browse through using the flashlight or something. But it happened again and I was like okay lets just ignore it. Then it happened again for the third time and I'm like okay fuck this shit if its happening again I'm gonna wake and stare at whoever that did it and guess what. At the fourth time which is the brightest flash of all there came a "click" sound too. At the moment I fucking knew what was going on and was like tearing my eye mask off staring at Bruce.
Yes Bruce was fucking using my DSLR trying to take a picture of the view outside the window but he doesn't know how to use it. Usually the DSLR had to focus before capturing the picture and while focusing it would let out a short flash to auto select the appropriate settings for the picture. Which is why there was a few small flashes the first time round because he didn't know how to take the picture and the camera just kept trying to focus.
And eventually he took a picture with the flash on and guess what.
Yes fucking hell LOL The whole plane was freaking dark as it was way pass midnight around 4am at that point of time and most of the passengers were sleeping and then suddenly came the flashes. You could see lots of head popping out trying to see what was going on and quite a few of us thought that there was a huge "lightning" outside our plane man wtf I can't even LOL BRUCEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
the fucking photo he took with the flash and yes my hands were in the process of snatching over the dslr |
Sunrise 😍 |
Look at all the fluffy clouds 😍 |
After the lights went off I immediately flew out of my seats LOL. Went to brushed my teeth as well in the toilet. The toilet was really small actually but good enough to take some toilet selfies 😛
After that went back to seat and we're left with around 2 hours more till we reach Brisbane. Asked Bruce to play with me some games using the Interactive TV. We decided to play Battleship. LOL It was quite fun since I won a few times too HAHA.
After that we became bored and he decided to do his own stuff and I went to browse through some movies to watch. Decided to watch Long Long Time Ago Part 1 since I didn't really watched it before. At that time we're only left with around 1 hour? till we reach Brisbane so I just watched halfway only.
After that we finally reached Brisbane Airport and phew it was such a torture siting at the seats for 8 hours man omg but was getting more excited since we're not in Singapore anymore 😛
Walk passed through all the difference clearance stages like face recognition, handheld bag checks and finally luggage collection. The luggage collection took quite a long time and we were sort of over the time expected at the moment. So once we see luggages with our yellow tag we immediately pick it out of the luggage belt and proceed to luggage clearance. Lucky for us the immigration officers didn't really check our luggage and all. In front of us was a bunch of China tourist and most of them got called to check hence when it was our turn, I was damn afraid they would ask us to open up our luggages too. Australia customs has the strictest rule of prohibiting food items to be brought into Australia hence we were told not to bring any food at all over not even sweets. But lucky for us, most of us just clear the clearance within a few seconds.
After that we proceed to the waiting area where I need to use the toilet once again LOL their toilets are considered clean as well but rather small as compared to our Changi Airport toilets probably because their Airport is smaller.
While waiting for others to come back from the toilets, I tried to connect to the wifi connection that we bought at Changi Recommends which cost $50 for 5 days in Australia and we shared among the boys hence it was like $16? for the entire trip with unlimited usage.
After that we were greeted by our tour guide cum driver which is called "Adrian" (To be honest till now I still have no impression when he told us his name and I really didn't know his name till I came back to Singapore and read the SOT blog written by others that has his name on it LOL) we were rushed again since we're kind of behind time due to the luggage collection and we quickly took a group photo at the Brisbane Airport again before heading up to our bus.
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Group photo @ Brisbane Airport |
Okay I spend like the entire night blogging about Day 0 and I feel really exhausted now LOL. Gonna take some rest and continue watching my Naruto before heading to sleep 😬
Once again, its Kim Taevin pressing the Publish button now. CHEERS 🙌
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