Helllllloooooo . Finally I'm back from OCIP 2012 , :D Definitely this is a long 8 days trip . Anybody missed me ? Haha . Hmmmmm . This is another meaningful trip to me like TLC camp . Definitely a full of experiential trip ! :D If only I could go again next year . :/ Hmmm , I was supposed to do a full blog post about this whole trip . I've actually planned to write on my notes everyday what actually happened but I'm just too plain lazy and tired every night . So it's very very very hard for me to actually remember all the things that actually happened or whattttt :/ hmmm . Okay , so basically this is a OCIP aka Oversea Community Involvement Project . It is to serve as the ASEAN community blah blah blah . Too lame so I'm not gonna type it out , LOL . Just know that we went over to Thailand to serve the school over there in teaching the students there the topic they never had before basically English Literacy , Chinese Literacy , English Drama , Robotics . So we went over as a OCIP 2012 team including both the SLs and Robotics member , 38 members in total . So I think I shall start talking about day by day ? :D Day 0 - 11November2012 , Was so so so excited to go for the trip ! Remember that it was like , need to meet in school at 4 am in the Sunday Morning . I couldn't even sleep the previous night . It was like around 12+ that I actually finished packing for the trip . At first didn't wanted to sleep . But mum ask me go sleep awhile . And I did since I have nothing to do . Haha . I woke at around 3am , still the same old me . Taking my own sweet time to prepare to go out . Was like just lazing on bed before I went to wash up , eat and bath . It was already like 4am when I leave home . Szemin was like whatsapping me to faster come school cause they are leaving . Then I asked my dad to drive faster . My whole family brought me to school ! When I reach school , I'm like already the last person standing outside . Everybody was like already boarding the bus . Then I was like , omg omg omg . Is my luggage up already . Then I went over and asked SzeMin . She was like no la no la . Your luggage throw away already . LOL . After that board the bus . SO EXCITED CAN . Wave goodbye to PAPA,MAMA&BRO . Then started talking to SzeMin , etc etc . Then was like . Okay . Hope I don't forget to bring anything overrrrrrr :/ After that secretly used phone . Cause we aren't suppose to bring phone overrr . Unless we surrender to teacher . Haha ! I wanted to surrender to teacher . LOL . In the end ... Hmm haha ! :P Then bus reached airport . Unload luggage etc everything . Then take the trolley , put me and Szemin's luggage on top of it . Then went in . After that went to weight our luggage . LOL . Sinyi's luggage over weight . Then she pass 1 walkie over to me . Had to open our luggage like right in front of the weighing machine . HAHA . Lucky not much people over there . LOL . HAHA . :P And it's like around 4+ in the morning onlyyy . LOL . After that pack pack pack , went to lined-up our luggage .

Haha . Can spot my luggage ? The one infront of the yellow ribboned luggage .

Robotics gathering their things . Haha . And there you can see me behind . LOL .
Then we gather around talk talk to each other . Take photos etc . Haha . Ms Lim Hui Qi came and we gather around her and talk . Then I took photo with her . Hahah .

Photo with Ms Lim ! Haha I was the one that took this photo , so obviously I wasn't able to be inside . LOL .
After that just continue talking and camwhoring cause the check in station still not yet open !

With the Robotics Guys .

Alvina , Ain , Farhana & Candy ! Nice face ahh Candy ! :P

" What you think you're doing lil kiddo . "

"Hey I just met you , And this is crazy , But can you just please , Stop staring at me . "

Azim , Ming Jie , Alvina , Farhana , Candy , Marianney & Ain . LOLOL ! HAHA .

Benjamin , Ming Jie & ChengYang with Ms Lim at the back . LOLOL .

Come on ! The AV Team need to be in some photos as well ! :P
JieYang , Sinyi , ME & Szemin :P .

Teachers that is going with us + Ms Lim !
Ms Nur , Mrs Rebecca , Mdm Reh , Ms Lim , Ms Zaliza , Ms Hani , Ms Chua , Mr Ravin !

Another Camwhore ! :P
Farhana , Alvina , Szemin , Grace & MEEE ! :D

ChengYang , Benjamin , Alvina , Grace , Szemin & ME ! :)

MingJie with his Mommy&Daddy !

Me & Alvina . LOL . *AWKWARD SMILE*

Design of our OCIP 2012 Shirt !
Finally ! It's my turn to check in , LOL ! First time doing this type of stuff . Was so scared that I'm gonna malu myself infront of everybody not knowing what to do . LOL . :P

Haha ! That lady helping me to paste the tag on my luggage . LOL .

My air ticket ! Both to Bangkok & ChiangMai . LOL . Check in done !

"Hey I just met you , And this is crazy , But can you just please , Stop staring at me . "

Azim , Ming Jie , Alvina , Farhana , Candy , Marianney & Ain . LOLOL ! HAHA .

Benjamin , Ming Jie & ChengYang with Ms Lim at the back . LOLOL .

Come on ! The AV Team need to be in some photos as well ! :P
JieYang , Sinyi , ME & Szemin :P .

Teachers that is going with us + Ms Lim !
Ms Nur , Mrs Rebecca , Mdm Reh , Ms Lim , Ms Zaliza , Ms Hani , Ms Chua , Mr Ravin !

Another Camwhore ! :P
Farhana , Alvina , Szemin , Grace & MEEE ! :D

ChengYang , Benjamin , Alvina , Grace , Szemin & ME ! :)

MingJie with his Mommy&Daddy !

Me & Alvina . LOL . *AWKWARD SMILE*

Design of our OCIP 2012 Shirt !
Finally ! It's my turn to check in , LOL ! First time doing this type of stuff . Was so scared that I'm gonna malu myself infront of everybody not knowing what to do . LOL . :P

Haha ! That lady helping me to paste the tag on my luggage . LOL .

My air ticket ! Both to Bangkok & ChiangMai . LOL . Check in done !
After that I realized Ms Lim Hui Qi holding on to one KEC . LOL . Then Mr Jack Chong was like talking to Mdm Rehenna about the Robotics . That they leave their laptops altogether in a pillar there then nobody there to take care of it . Then Mr Jack want to test them and then he took one KEC away . Then ask Ms Lim Hui Qi to hold on to it . LOL . Robotics people still never realize eh . Till all our luggage checked in , we sit around talking , they still haven realized . LOL . Then when we going to go in , the robotics member started taking their own assigned laptop and then they finally realized one is missing . LOL . Mr Ravin was like scolding them ask them faster find , then they are like all searching around the pillar etc . LOL . From my bystander view , kind of funny ah . LOL . After that Mr Jack Chong then told them . Then he gathered all of us , LOL . Then he was saying about what need take care of our belongings , what if its at Chiang Mai airport , we're definitely gonna lose one laptop . etc etc lah . LOL . The most scary part is , Mrs Kok is at there scanning everyone . LOL . Chow damnn scared . Cause she the only person wearing Maroon jeans . She scared later Mrs Kok don't approve , jiu hosehhh ah ! HAHA . Ask her change immediately . LOLOLOL . Then we're like eh faster block faster block , she looking she looking . LOLOLOL . DAMN FUNNY . HAHA . After that Mdm Reh wanted to let us go have our own time , go eat with our parents breakfast or just roam around then Mr Jack Chong stop him . PFFTTT . IDIOT LA . I want walk around one leyyy . ZZZ . Then we had to sit down together again and talk among ourself only lorh . :( And obviously , we started camwhoring again . WAHAHAHAHA ! LOLOL . Not that we very zilian ah ! Just that we want to capture every moments :P . HAHA . LOL .
Mrs Kok was telling us something before we go . I forgotten what she said . LOLOL . Totally forgotten . :P

After that everyone gathered , we took a group photos before we went in and sit around again .

Can you spot me ? :D . HAHA . Mrs Kok was asking us to shout *Huat Ah !* LOL . :P .
After that we went in ! Said bye to our parents etc . I said bye to mine in school already .
LOL . Our flight is like 8 + ? I think . LOL . HAHA . Went into a room , took photos , chit chat chit chat again . And we're discussing on those that went on the plane for the first time . LOL . Haha , I'm one of them together with Alvina . And maybe some others . Alvina was like so damn excited when we interviewed her how is she feeling right now . LOL . Haha . All i feel was , okay lahhh , alright lahh . ETC . LOL . Not really thatttttttttttttttttttttt excited . LOL . Haha .
Mrs Kok was telling us something before we go . I forgotten what she said . LOLOL . Totally forgotten . :P

After that everyone gathered , we took a group photos before we went in and sit around again .

Can you spot me ? :D . HAHA . Mrs Kok was asking us to shout *Huat Ah !* LOL . :P .
After that we went in ! Said bye to our parents etc . I said bye to mine in school already .
LOL . Our flight is like 8 + ? I think . LOL . HAHA . Went into a room , took photos , chit chat chit chat again . And we're discussing on those that went on the plane for the first time . LOL . Haha , I'm one of them together with Alvina . And maybe some others . Alvina was like so damn excited when we interviewed her how is she feeling right now . LOL . Haha . All i feel was , okay lahhh , alright lahh . ETC . LOL . Not really thatttttttttttttttttttttt excited . LOL . Haha .

Haha . Took a photo of our air tickets .
Me . Grace . Szemin & Sinyi .
Me . Grace . Szemin & Sinyi .

Haha . Farhana , Vanessa , Alvina , Candy & Marinaney with thier air tickets .
Do they look like their promoting their ticket or whatt ? LOL .

Kyaaahh , Vanessa , why you not looking at camera ?! Grace too ahhh !

Vanessa not looking again ! LOL . Finally Grace looked ...
After that , finally it was time for us to board our plane . WEEE . Kind of excited alreaddddy ! :D

Haha ! Our plane to Bangkok ! :)

ThaiAirline . :D

ThaiAirline . :D

Vroom Vroom ! Other planes outside . LOL !
Haha . Board the plane . Still curious who is gonna be sitting beside me . Everybody saying different sitting manner , LOL . In the end , went in and the one sitting beside me was suppose to be Dennise then Grace , then I asked if she could change with me so that I could talk to Grace , and she agreed ! yayyy ! LOL . Haha . Was Talking to Grace searching around the seat asking Grace eh this one for what one ah eh this one for what one ah . LOL . HAHA . Then she explain to me , that the headphones for listening to songs etc etc . Then change channel . LOL . Got KPOP channel eh ! Haha ! But in the end I took out my phone to listen to songs . LOL .
Slept for awhile , then food came !

This was my meal . It's normal meal ! I forgotten to tell Mdm Reh that I can't eat beef so I need special meal . But i don't think this normal meal would have any beef inside whatttt . LOL . :/ It's century egg porridge . Seriously . YUUUUUCK . :(
Then , to those that have special meal .

After eating , was watching STEP UP REVOLUTION . LOL . It was showing on the plane when it started to fly off . Watched it for the second time . LOL . Wanted to sleep but can't so continue watching . LOL . Grace slept the whole journey . Board the plane , talk talk awhile then sleep . Then wake up eat then sleep again . LOL . WTH AH . Cause she didn't sleep at all the previous night . Can't blame her lahh ! haha !

This is ChengYang . With his bread . LOLOLOL . HAHA .

WeiZhi eating his special meal , Omelet with Harshbrown . TSK .

Random pic took inside the plane . LOL .
And yeahhh , our flight was delayed for 1 hour . We were sitting inside the plane waiting for 1 hours before it actually took flight . I think that was the only part where I slept in the plane . So I didn't really witness the whole taking off process . HAHA . Was a seat away from window seat . Still able to see outside . LOL .
Finally , after the 2 hours plus flight , we reached Bangkok !

Haha . Golden tower kind of thing . LOL .
Didn't really took much photo in Bangkok . LOL .

Took this photo in the Travellator . LOL . Cool huh !
Benjamin had to carry this box wherever he go . LOL . Mrs Rebecca asked him to carried it for her and if it get missing he is gonna die . LOLOL . HAHA . He look like some FedEx guy delivering his parcel . LOLOL . He had to bring this box to the toilet too if he need to use the toilet too . LOLOL . Haha inside was some gift for the Thai teachers .
After that we had the chance to go and eat .
I ordered Something Ramen . LOL I forgotten what it was . Szemin cute ahh , order Miso Soup ramen when she drink Miso Soup everyday at ShoTeppan . LOLOLOL .
HAHA . The Ramen was quite niceeee ! Just that it's my first time ordering to Thai people . LOL . I at first damn scared they don't understand me then awkward awkward . LOLOL . :P HAHA . At least everything still go quite smoothly . They somehow understand what I want . LOL . After that gathered again and we went to the waiting lobby before boarding the plane ! We have to get pass a checkpoint first where they check your whole body and bag etc etc . LOL . Had to stand at a station and look at the webcam camera cause they need a photo of you . LOL . Jie Yang was in front of me then he dk what to do then the person was like telling him then he like oh okayyy . LOLOL . DAMN PAISEHX AH HIM . LOLOL . LUCKY HE INFRONT ME THEN AT LEAST I KNOW WHAT TO DO AND I WON'T MALU MYSELF . HAHAHAHA ! XD .
Haha . Went to the waiting room sit down then chat chat again .
Then in front of us was a Australian . He was asking what flag was that on our shirt and we say we're from Singapore . LOL . After that we tell them about what our OCIP means etc etc . HAHA . Then we started chatting . LOL . Then he was like , Ohhh . Interesting . LOL . Then say he is from Australia etc etc LOL . After that I requested to take a photo with him together !

Me & The Silver Fox ! :D
Then he is like asking if I know who he is . Then I don't know what to reply I just awkwardly say yes . LOLOL . Then he is like , "I think you know who I am" . LOLOL . Then he was saying that SnoopDog requested to take photo with him then he show me the photo of him and SnoopDog . woahhhhhhhhhhhh . Doesn't it means that we met someone famous ?! LOL . HAHA COOL EH . He said that his nickname was The Silver Fox . LOLOL .
After that we took a photo together as a group .

With Szemin & Sinyi this time round ! :D .
I posted this picture on facebook and asked people to help me research . LOL . And they found this ... LOL . So he is a Australian professional poker player ? LOL . HAHA . Okayyyy .
Haha . After that I think her accompanion or what was looking at us then he pointed and say that theres a girl looking at us . LOL . OMG THAT GIRL . DAMN CHIO CANNNNNNNNNNN . GAHHHHHHHH I WANTED TO TAKE PHOTO WITH HERRRR . >.< HER BLUE EYES . OMG . THEN HER BLONDE HAIR . LOLOLOL . OMG . Still can remember her face right now . HAHA . XP . Abit abit lah . LOL . I think all blondes look alike . LOLOLOL . After that time for us to board the plane , then was like looking for the blue eye lady !! HAHA . She was sitting quite infrontttt . We're sitting right at the back . LOL . Sitting with WeiZhi and Szemin this time round . Right in the middle of the plane . LOL . It's like , Weizhi , then me then Szemin . In the middle . LOL . I'm in the middle of the middle . Look like i'm the King eh ? HAHAHA ! :P LOLOL . Didn't took much photo on the plane !! LOL . Was looking through Magazine with Szemin cause we saw KPOP and stuff . LOLOL . After that food came . WEE . Our lunch . But seriously , The lunch was like lesser than breakfast ?! -_- .

This was our lunch .
SERIOUSLY ?! COMPARED TO THE BREAKFAST . LOLOL . WTH . BREAD FOR LUNCH . BEST AHH . HAHA . But the bread taste not bad . HAHA . Not that bad after all lahhh . We're like passing around the bread eating each other saliva . LOLOL . Jokinggg . Was just trying out different type of bread . The Special Meal & Normal Meal ones . LOLOL . Now I think Normal Meal taste better than the Special Meal . LOLOL . Haha ! After that we went asking for drinks . LOL . Tried different type of drink ! Coffee , Tea , Milk Tea , Coffee Tea , Coffee Milk Tea . HAHA . We mixed all the drinks together and make different type of drink . HAHA . Taste not that bad ahhh ! :P

HAHA . I think this was the Tea . LOL . NOT SURE LAHHH . LOLOL . Or maybe Coffee ? :P
After 2 hours flight again , we finally reached ChiangMai ! Everybody was like rushing for the toilet . LOLOLOL . HAHA . After going to the toilet , we went to collect our luggage ! Haha . Was finding where was my luggage . Then I share one trolley with Jie Yang . After that SzeMin was like screaming at me . LOLOL . Then I realize she helping SinYi take her medicine then never take her luggage then her luggage going to go in the tunnel again then I faster run and go take . HAHA . Almost go in sial . Like one foot in already . LOLOL . HAHA . After that took and went to meet up with Mr Calvin . Our tour guide for the whole journey ! After that we were getting the landyards prepared by Mr.Calvin to hang around us . LOL .

LOL . Hate it when blogger don't have the rotate function for photos . PFFT . Nevermind . LOL . You can see OCIP 2012 Nov 11-18 , Mae Chaem Pittayakom , Woodlands Ring Secondary School . Then my handsome face and name on the below . HAHA . OKAY . That picture sucks . LOL . It was taken during Sec 3 . Okay lah . Not to say sucks , but Sec 1 nice . LOL . :P After that behind is just those teachers contact number . Incase we gone lost . LOL . But lucky none did ! :P .
After that we took our luggage out and waited for our van to come . Haha . We were split into four vans ! For Van 1 & 2 will be for Robotics ! Van 3 for English Literacy & English Drama ! Van 4 for Chinese Literacy & AVA ! :) And therefore , I'm in Van 4 together with Szemin , Jieyang , Sinyi , Vanessa , Grace , Youhua , Weizhi , ChengYang & Mdm Reh ! Hehe .

This was Grace & Vanessa in the van . With my head behind . LOLOL . HAHA !
We had so much fun together in the van . Were chatting and chatting . After that everybody was too tired that they fall asleep . It was a 3 hours drive up the mountain . Woke up halfway . Looking out the window etc . Found out that we have police escorting us everywhere . Woah . Haha . The sky is damn dark . It look as if its like 9/10 pm in Singapore but its bearly like 6pm + in Thailand ! LOL After that the van suddenly stopped at a place . Everybody woke up and get off the van . It was at the school . LOL . I thought we were living in a like hostel inside of the School or something . LOL . In the end we were just standing there awhile after get back van and off we go again . LOL . ! HAHA . But we took some photos in the School before leaving !

Haha . This was taken with Flash on ! Imagine how dark it is over there ! Haha .

We were lucky there were still some lights on ! Haha . So with flash , they don't look so bad ah ! Haha . Wei Zhi & Cheng Yang !

Alvina backfacing , Vanessa nice face ahh . LOL . Then Grace , Sinyi & Chow ! HAHA . LOL . EPIC FACE .

Grace & Chow !

Yeah ! Now you see how dark it is !

This was the light pole I think . LOL .
After getting up on the van , We continue with a short ride , around 15-20mins ride and we reached our hotel ! More of a hostel I think . LOL .

Haha ! This is the hostel we're living for the next 5 days ? I think . LOL . It's like a Hut or something . Inside consist of Aircon , Bed , Make-up table , TV , Bathroom & a fridge ! Haha . It's like normal chalet kind of thing . LOL . Its kind of nice . Best is that the Aircon is working ! Haha . But wait . It's not that lucky for 6 people . Cause the hotel make a mistake or something etc laaah . Then the teachers room have people currently staying . Then the teachers have to sleep at 6 of us room . And we had to stay at the hotel ! Which is a walking distance away from all others ! GUGGH . LOL I'm one of the six . -_- ! Me , Wei Zhi , Cheng Yang , Benjamin , You Hua & Godwin couldn't sleep in those cute little hut ! We were actually discussing with the teachers that how we gonna plan which room we are going to sleep for the 6 of us . We were saying that we want 3 in each room etc etc . Then Ms Nur was like strongly disagreeing . For like no reason only . zzz Then make all of us pekchek . After that Mdm Reh said that we will just go according to our plan 3 by 3 . Then she told Mrs Rebecca & Ms Nur that she will tell her why later . Then Ms Nur is like okay fine , She's (MdmReh) the in-charge . HAHA . OWNNN AH MS NUR . LOL . HAHA . We went for dinner at a kind of cafe look place nearby . The food , SO-SO . :( But then , got food to eat can liao lah !

Everybody was like just lazing around waiting for food to serve . HAHA .

The auntie that served us ! :D

Marianne taking her food . LOL .

Cheng Yang taking his rice ! HAHA . And there is Mr Yosi taking the rice for him ! Mr Yosi is our secruity incharge ! :D

HAHA WeiZhi . LOL . (Y)

Robotics getting their food !

Icyyy Cool Waterrrrrrr !

Alvina & James there . Haha !

Robotics guys .

WAKAKA . It's me over there . Apparently this is what we eat for our first meal during dinner . Rice with some veggies & chicken . Haha !

来 , 小心慢慢吃啊 !

Cheng Yang eating . Haha . Ben & Chow was in the same table .

Robotics guys eating . LOL .

Mr.Ravin !

All busy using phone ahh ! HAHA TSKTSK . !

Cheers ! That's me & Grace hand btw . LOL .

Mehhh .

Vanessa 大姐 & Tryphena VS Youhua ! HAHA . LOL


Finally Teachers got time to eat liao ahh ! Very busy with phone hor just now . LOL !

Robotics on the move again .

You're asking me to eat this ?! Just eat la ! Mai hiam lah ! HAHA

Yay ! Those aunties & Sister that served us ♥ ! Thankyouuuuu ! :)

After eating we went to our room . Ermm . It's still okay laaahhh . Not much difference than the hostel . Just that we don't have Aircon & Fridge . FREAKKKK . :( NO AIRCON . HOT AHH . LOL . Actually it isn't that hot eh . LOL . After that the plan is Me , You Hua & Godwin one room while Benjamin , Cheng Yang & Wei Zhi one room . Haha . Our room just opposite each other . At first there were asking us to separate room cause the room only consist of a Queen size bed only for 2 people to sleep . But then we wanted to sleep together as 3 by 3 . LOL After much persuasion , the teachers finally let us bring a mattress from other room over and sleep . LOL . But we put for show only . We still sleep as 3 in the bed . HAHA . LOL . Can sleep laaah ! LOL . Haha . Lights out is supposed to be at 10:30 PM Thailand time , which is like 11:30 in Singapore lahh . But you think we so guai so early sleep ? LOL . YES ! My room slept at 10 ! HAHA . Cause Youhua was like okay faster sleep faster sleep . DOTZXC DOTZXC DOTZXC . ._. Dk if I same room with him is good or bad ah ! HAHA . After that we were unpacking etc . They preparing tomorrow's lesson plan etc . Then Benjamin , Cheng Yang & WeiZhi was playing something secret . LOL . RELAX . NOTHING UNDER 16 CAN'T DO DERH . LOL . HAHA . After that , we slept first . Then IDK what time they slept . LOL . It was hot in the night ! Couldn't really sleep as well . Was like not used to the bed etc . LOL . After that getting colder and colder ! I remember I having insomnia kind of thing . Keep sleep and wake sleep and wake . After that finally a good sleeppppp till morning ! Haha . Put alarm to wake at 4 I think . Had to meet at 5 for breakfast the next morning ! Gahhh . Did not sleep much eitherrr . Haha .
Okayyyy . Thats it for PART 1 . LOL . WILL CONTINUE TO POST PART 2 NEXT TIME ! Right now I'm tired and I want to sleep . HAHA ! :P . Goodnight ! :) . ♥
Haha . Board the plane . Still curious who is gonna be sitting beside me . Everybody saying different sitting manner , LOL . In the end , went in and the one sitting beside me was suppose to be Dennise then Grace , then I asked if she could change with me so that I could talk to Grace , and she agreed ! yayyy ! LOL . Haha . Was Talking to Grace searching around the seat asking Grace eh this one for what one ah eh this one for what one ah . LOL . HAHA . Then she explain to me , that the headphones for listening to songs etc etc . Then change channel . LOL . Got KPOP channel eh ! Haha ! But in the end I took out my phone to listen to songs . LOL .
Slept for awhile , then food came !

This was my meal . It's normal meal ! I forgotten to tell Mdm Reh that I can't eat beef so I need special meal . But i don't think this normal meal would have any beef inside whatttt . LOL . :/ It's century egg porridge . Seriously . YUUUUUCK . :(
Then , to those that have special meal .

After eating , was watching STEP UP REVOLUTION . LOL . It was showing on the plane when it started to fly off . Watched it for the second time . LOL . Wanted to sleep but can't so continue watching . LOL . Grace slept the whole journey . Board the plane , talk talk awhile then sleep . Then wake up eat then sleep again . LOL . WTH AH . Cause she didn't sleep at all the previous night . Can't blame her lahh ! haha !

This is ChengYang . With his bread . LOLOLOL . HAHA .

WeiZhi eating his special meal , Omelet with Harshbrown . TSK .

Random pic took inside the plane . LOL .
And yeahhh , our flight was delayed for 1 hour . We were sitting inside the plane waiting for 1 hours before it actually took flight . I think that was the only part where I slept in the plane . So I didn't really witness the whole taking off process . HAHA . Was a seat away from window seat . Still able to see outside . LOL .
Finally , after the 2 hours plus flight , we reached Bangkok !

Haha . Golden tower kind of thing . LOL .
Didn't really took much photo in Bangkok . LOL .

Took this photo in the Travellator . LOL . Cool huh !
Benjamin had to carry this box wherever he go . LOL . Mrs Rebecca asked him to carried it for her and if it get missing he is gonna die . LOLOL . HAHA . He look like some FedEx guy delivering his parcel . LOLOL . He had to bring this box to the toilet too if he need to use the toilet too . LOLOL . Haha inside was some gift for the Thai teachers .
After that we had the chance to go and eat .
I ordered Something Ramen . LOL I forgotten what it was . Szemin cute ahh , order Miso Soup ramen when she drink Miso Soup everyday at ShoTeppan . LOLOLOL .
HAHA . The Ramen was quite niceeee ! Just that it's my first time ordering to Thai people . LOL . I at first damn scared they don't understand me then awkward awkward . LOLOL . :P HAHA . At least everything still go quite smoothly . They somehow understand what I want . LOL . After that gathered again and we went to the waiting lobby before boarding the plane ! We have to get pass a checkpoint first where they check your whole body and bag etc etc . LOL . Had to stand at a station and look at the webcam camera cause they need a photo of you . LOL . Jie Yang was in front of me then he dk what to do then the person was like telling him then he like oh okayyy . LOLOL . DAMN PAISEHX AH HIM . LOLOL . LUCKY HE INFRONT ME THEN AT LEAST I KNOW WHAT TO DO AND I WON'T MALU MYSELF . HAHAHAHA ! XD .
Haha . Went to the waiting room sit down then chat chat again .
My air ticket to ChiangMai from Bangkok ! :D .
Then in front of us was a Australian . He was asking what flag was that on our shirt and we say we're from Singapore . LOL . After that we tell them about what our OCIP means etc etc . HAHA . Then we started chatting . LOL . Then he was like , Ohhh . Interesting . LOL . Then say he is from Australia etc etc LOL . After that I requested to take a photo with him together !

Me & The Silver Fox ! :D
Then he is like asking if I know who he is . Then I don't know what to reply I just awkwardly say yes . LOLOL . Then he is like , "I think you know who I am" . LOLOL . Then he was saying that SnoopDog requested to take photo with him then he show me the photo of him and SnoopDog . woahhhhhhhhhhhh . Doesn't it means that we met someone famous ?! LOL . HAHA COOL EH . He said that his nickname was The Silver Fox . LOLOL .
After that we took a photo together as a group .

With Szemin & Sinyi this time round ! :D .
I posted this picture on facebook and asked people to help me research . LOL . And they found this ... LOL . So he is a Australian professional poker player ? LOL . HAHA . Okayyyy .
Haha . After that I think her accompanion or what was looking at us then he pointed and say that theres a girl looking at us . LOL . OMG THAT GIRL . DAMN CHIO CANNNNNNNNNNN . GAHHHHHHHH I WANTED TO TAKE PHOTO WITH HERRRR . >.< HER BLUE EYES . OMG . THEN HER BLONDE HAIR . LOLOLOL . OMG . Still can remember her face right now . HAHA . XP . Abit abit lah . LOL . I think all blondes look alike . LOLOLOL . After that time for us to board the plane , then was like looking for the blue eye lady !! HAHA . She was sitting quite infrontttt . We're sitting right at the back . LOL . Sitting with WeiZhi and Szemin this time round . Right in the middle of the plane . LOL . It's like , Weizhi , then me then Szemin . In the middle . LOL . I'm in the middle of the middle . Look like i'm the King eh ? HAHAHA ! :P LOLOL . Didn't took much photo on the plane !! LOL . Was looking through Magazine with Szemin cause we saw KPOP and stuff . LOLOL . After that food came . WEE . Our lunch . But seriously , The lunch was like lesser than breakfast ?! -_- .

This was our lunch .
SERIOUSLY ?! COMPARED TO THE BREAKFAST . LOLOL . WTH . BREAD FOR LUNCH . BEST AHH . HAHA . But the bread taste not bad . HAHA . Not that bad after all lahhh . We're like passing around the bread eating each other saliva . LOLOL . Jokinggg . Was just trying out different type of bread . The Special Meal & Normal Meal ones . LOLOL . Now I think Normal Meal taste better than the Special Meal . LOLOL . Haha ! After that we went asking for drinks . LOL . Tried different type of drink ! Coffee , Tea , Milk Tea , Coffee Tea , Coffee Milk Tea . HAHA . We mixed all the drinks together and make different type of drink . HAHA . Taste not that bad ahhh ! :P

HAHA . I think this was the Tea . LOL . NOT SURE LAHHH . LOLOL . Or maybe Coffee ? :P
After 2 hours flight again , we finally reached ChiangMai ! Everybody was like rushing for the toilet . LOLOLOL . HAHA . After going to the toilet , we went to collect our luggage ! Haha . Was finding where was my luggage . Then I share one trolley with Jie Yang . After that SzeMin was like screaming at me . LOLOL . Then I realize she helping SinYi take her medicine then never take her luggage then her luggage going to go in the tunnel again then I faster run and go take . HAHA . Almost go in sial . Like one foot in already . LOLOL . HAHA . After that took and went to meet up with Mr Calvin . Our tour guide for the whole journey ! After that we were getting the landyards prepared by Mr.Calvin to hang around us . LOL .
After that we took our luggage out and waited for our van to come . Haha . We were split into four vans ! For Van 1 & 2 will be for Robotics ! Van 3 for English Literacy & English Drama ! Van 4 for Chinese Literacy & AVA ! :) And therefore , I'm in Van 4 together with Szemin , Jieyang , Sinyi , Vanessa , Grace , Youhua , Weizhi , ChengYang & Mdm Reh ! Hehe .

This was Grace & Vanessa in the van . With my head behind . LOLOL . HAHA !
We had so much fun together in the van . Were chatting and chatting . After that everybody was too tired that they fall asleep . It was a 3 hours drive up the mountain . Woke up halfway . Looking out the window etc . Found out that we have police escorting us everywhere . Woah . Haha . The sky is damn dark . It look as if its like 9/10 pm in Singapore but its bearly like 6pm + in Thailand ! LOL After that the van suddenly stopped at a place . Everybody woke up and get off the van . It was at the school . LOL . I thought we were living in a like hostel inside of the School or something . LOL . In the end we were just standing there awhile after get back van and off we go again . LOL . ! HAHA . But we took some photos in the School before leaving !

Haha . This was taken with Flash on ! Imagine how dark it is over there ! Haha .

We were lucky there were still some lights on ! Haha . So with flash , they don't look so bad ah ! Haha . Wei Zhi & Cheng Yang !

Alvina backfacing , Vanessa nice face ahh . LOL . Then Grace , Sinyi & Chow ! HAHA . LOL . EPIC FACE .

Grace & Chow !

Yeah ! Now you see how dark it is !

This was the light pole I think . LOL .
After getting up on the van , We continue with a short ride , around 15-20mins ride and we reached our hotel ! More of a hostel I think . LOL .

Haha ! This is the hostel we're living for the next 5 days ? I think . LOL . It's like a Hut or something . Inside consist of Aircon , Bed , Make-up table , TV , Bathroom & a fridge ! Haha . It's like normal chalet kind of thing . LOL . Its kind of nice . Best is that the Aircon is working ! Haha . But wait . It's not that lucky for 6 people . Cause the hotel make a mistake or something etc laaah . Then the teachers room have people currently staying . Then the teachers have to sleep at 6 of us room . And we had to stay at the hotel ! Which is a walking distance away from all others ! GUGGH . LOL I'm one of the six . -_- ! Me , Wei Zhi , Cheng Yang , Benjamin , You Hua & Godwin couldn't sleep in those cute little hut ! We were actually discussing with the teachers that how we gonna plan which room we are going to sleep for the 6 of us . We were saying that we want 3 in each room etc etc . Then Ms Nur was like strongly disagreeing . For like no reason only . zzz Then make all of us pekchek . After that Mdm Reh said that we will just go according to our plan 3 by 3 . Then she told Mrs Rebecca & Ms Nur that she will tell her why later . Then Ms Nur is like okay fine , She's (MdmReh) the in-charge . HAHA . OWNNN AH MS NUR . LOL . HAHA . We went for dinner at a kind of cafe look place nearby . The food , SO-SO . :( But then , got food to eat can liao lah !

Everybody was like just lazing around waiting for food to serve . HAHA .

The auntie that served us ! :D

Marianne taking her food . LOL .

Cheng Yang taking his rice ! HAHA . And there is Mr Yosi taking the rice for him ! Mr Yosi is our secruity incharge ! :D

HAHA WeiZhi . LOL . (Y)

Robotics getting their food !

Icyyy Cool Waterrrrrrr !

Alvina & James there . Haha !

Robotics guys .

WAKAKA . It's me over there . Apparently this is what we eat for our first meal during dinner . Rice with some veggies & chicken . Haha !

来 , 小心慢慢吃啊 !

Cheng Yang eating . Haha . Ben & Chow was in the same table .

Robotics guys eating . LOL .

Mr.Ravin !

All busy using phone ahh ! HAHA TSKTSK . !

Cheers ! That's me & Grace hand btw . LOL .

Mehhh .

Vanessa 大姐 & Tryphena VS Youhua ! HAHA . LOL


Finally Teachers got time to eat liao ahh ! Very busy with phone hor just now . LOL !

Robotics on the move again .

You're asking me to eat this ?! Just eat la ! Mai hiam lah ! HAHA

Yay ! Those aunties & Sister that served us ♥ ! Thankyouuuuu ! :)

After eating we went to our room . Ermm . It's still okay laaahhh . Not much difference than the hostel . Just that we don't have Aircon & Fridge . FREAKKKK . :( NO AIRCON . HOT AHH . LOL . Actually it isn't that hot eh . LOL . After that the plan is Me , You Hua & Godwin one room while Benjamin , Cheng Yang & Wei Zhi one room . Haha . Our room just opposite each other . At first there were asking us to separate room cause the room only consist of a Queen size bed only for 2 people to sleep . But then we wanted to sleep together as 3 by 3 . LOL After much persuasion , the teachers finally let us bring a mattress from other room over and sleep . LOL . But we put for show only . We still sleep as 3 in the bed . HAHA . LOL . Can sleep laaah ! LOL . Haha . Lights out is supposed to be at 10:30 PM Thailand time , which is like 11:30 in Singapore lahh . But you think we so guai so early sleep ? LOL . YES ! My room slept at 10 ! HAHA . Cause Youhua was like okay faster sleep faster sleep . DOTZXC DOTZXC DOTZXC . ._. Dk if I same room with him is good or bad ah ! HAHA . After that we were unpacking etc . They preparing tomorrow's lesson plan etc . Then Benjamin , Cheng Yang & WeiZhi was playing something secret . LOL . RELAX . NOTHING UNDER 16 CAN'T DO DERH . LOL . HAHA . After that , we slept first . Then IDK what time they slept . LOL . It was hot in the night ! Couldn't really sleep as well . Was like not used to the bed etc . LOL . After that getting colder and colder ! I remember I having insomnia kind of thing . Keep sleep and wake sleep and wake . After that finally a good sleeppppp till morning ! Haha . Put alarm to wake at 4 I think . Had to meet at 5 for breakfast the next morning ! Gahhh . Did not sleep much eitherrr . Haha .
Okayyyy . Thats it for PART 1 . LOL . WILL CONTINUE TO POST PART 2 NEXT TIME ! Right now I'm tired and I want to sleep . HAHA ! :P . Goodnight ! :) . ♥
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