Took this at 11/11/11 11:11:11 AM today :P Camp for it ! :D

took this at 11/11/11 11:11 PM ! :P Actaully is 23:11 :P
lalalalala , ! Back to post today ! :D it's 11/11/11 today ! HAHA , it comes only 1 per one hundred years , in another words , 1 in a life time ! :D yeah , so make the full use of it uh (: . hehe ! XD hmm , today went out with WEITECK , CHENGYANG , GODWIN , SZEMIN , HUIYING , HUILING ! Went to watch 23:59 uh ! (: At first we decided to meet at 2:15 , then i around 1.30 start styling my hair , then till 2 still haven style finish ! D: can't get the hairstyle i want >< . haha then around 2.05+ i then went out . was late for more than 10 min D: . haha , then went buy ticket first for 23:59 . haha . then went eat HOT TOMATO ! :D No photo ): . Cause was rushing ! Watching 3PM show then that time when we eating already 2.30 + ! Got around 30 mins to eat more nia ): . then HuiLing also come . I ordered Mixed Grill , Szemin ordered Steak kind of thing Huiying ordered Chicken Chop Huiling ordered Lobster pasta ! HAHA , then we order order then everybody start taking out money . Then HuiLing no more money !! LOL . then she go ATM take money . But guess what ? Her bank is UOB then need go over civic center there cause only there got . then she reach there then message us ATM spoilt . LOLOL we laugh till mad man . then our food came and we start eating ! :D Eat eat eat . Everybody like rushing only lorh . Then slowly Godwin came , then ChengYang , then Weiteck (: . Then when we gonna finish , Huiling still not back ! LOL . then we call her phone . But guess what ? HER PHONE DIE ON HER . LOLOL . Her phone's battery flat uh ! HAHA . LOL then can't contact her . Then we're like all laughing , rushing and keep on asking her faster back . haha , then when we almost finish she came back ! YAY like finally . LOL ! Then she also rush we also rush . After that , BILL then run over to cinema ! Was like late for 15mins D: . SAD SIAL . then faster rush in . Sit down , and we watchhh ! :D Ohmygod . like Abit scary only . and also kind like boring >< . Don't really like the show ! we like watch for 15mins or so then ChengYang mother or what call say his grandmother admitted to hospital . Then he needa rush over . Woo , he run for the door . Hmm , wish his grandmother speedy recovery uh ! (: The movie ending was like so wth ... T_T was like thought something scary gonna happen then jiu show credits liao . LOL ! Funny max only uh . LOL , then we waited people to go , scratch abit abit then go out liao (: After watching movie we go FOODCOURT . Godwin wanna eat something . Then we chat and all . Play around joke around then we go Comics Connection . kinda bored over SNSD stuff ;X So didn't browse much . Hmm then after Comics Connection we went walk walk . Went into Nubox browse . then after that went Yoshinoya ask for job . They say full slot liao . ): Awww D: . Then after that Godwin needa go find his Mother already . then he go , then me Weiteck & Szemin pei Huiying go till interchange we jiu go back cwp . i go buy Old Chang Kee ! ^^ Curry'O ! haha ! Then SZEMIN&WEITECK went EachACup . While waiting we stand at a corner chat then when they get their drinks we still stand there chat and all . LOL . then we started walking and walk pass MeiZhenXiang . A ba qua shop :P . There hiring student . No age limit . later a 4 years old go apply . LOLOL ! HAHA , i ask SZEMIN help me go ask if they need people then they say is during CNY need derh . Then im like T_T CNY so early put for what . Then i say okay nevermind thankyou and walk away . LOL . Then we walk walk walk then SZEMIN saw her cousin then she go find her me & weiteck jiu go home liao lorh , (: Text Weiteck&ChengYang ontheway back . ChengYang text till half never reply . Hate it D: ): . Then reach home use com , teevee , bath , eat , then com again (: Hehe , yeah roughly about it . Awesome day today uh . (: Actually came back home and camwhore abit :D Gonna post the picture up ! :D

Gonna end post with this , :D !
Life's just like that D: Ups & Down everywhere . Get used to it . What i really know now is that i want my sleeeeppp ! :D Believe that once you wake up the next day , everything is gonna be alright ! (: CHEERS ! ;D
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