My bloqq so dead derh! hiazz anybody can taqq everyday ? lols i noe its impossible ! D: Taq a few days can bah ? Lols i spent 3hr typinq tis out cuz I take a nap in between and take a bath , buy food, and game before postinq haha i'm ke siao rite ? Yupps, i tink i'm too . D: Holidays are boring ! D:

See tat girl above ? She's my Da Jie,JIAMIN! (: she's kinda EVIL and kinda weird sometime :D
She superr badbad. Always biteee me slapp me ones! She's everytime sadd and always ned me. I'm her SUPERMAN! :D She juz cant live without me rite? If i'm nt around in this world , When she sadd, she cry frm Morninq till Niqht derh rite ? Jkjk luh hehe . But u noe, I'm relli great rite ? And, i so good to her derh lorh nvr bitee nvr slapp derh ! hehe. Buts thx to you i'm ok nw ! :D
Thx for ur accompany tdy hehe Jia Yous for the nxt week Test ! (:
I want out wif u soonsoonsoonsoon SOON! :D Lols Miss u uh !
I'm always here for u derh ok ?? And if u ask me wer i get the Photo, I'm SUPERMAN i can do everythinq u cant do! :D GotToGo lerh lorh ! Kinda Miss u bloqq ! D: ! Taqq replies further down (:
Taqq replies:
Jia Min: hehe! u dummy thx! lols love u always luh !
Isabella: Lols i nt so bo liaos ! and and and I NT CRAZY OK !