Right from the start you were a thief you stole my heart. And I, your willing victim.
I know I shouldn't have pranked you about my girlfriend in London. I know I shouldn't have played a fool and ended up making you disappointed and sad. At the point I still wasn't feeling anything for you. I didn't thought much about it at that time and just acted foolishly. Would things have been different if I didn't acted that way?
But as we chat, as we got to know each other better. I felt more and more closer with you. Still not noticing any feelings for you only till that night when we were talking emotionally. You said you like me at the beginning. I didn't really have much feelings for you either. Maybe a few lingering around here and there but nothing was real. We have been flirting around and there are times where we talk about stuff like "what are we?" "we like gonna have a scandalous relationship soon" "scandal you only can have one month" I may have not told you this before but when you told me that night that "Turns out, I enjoy talking to you." it really made me smile. I may not have specific feelings for you that time but it still made me happy that you actually cared and enjoys talking to me even as a friend.
It was only when, you told me you had your interests in someone else, and you get excited whenever you kept scrolling and see that he has seen your stories. It hits me. I made me jealous. I got angry. I got sad. I got disappointed. I started noticing the feelings I had. I went back to our chats. I read what we have discussed before. I went back to watch the different crash course videos you sent me. I got sad. I told myself, maybe all these aren't real. I told myself, I'm just jealous your attention is now shift to someone else and not me. Which is why I'm sad and whatsoever. I numb myself. I listened to Lady Gaga's "Perfect Illusion" I told myself. My feeling for you wasn't love. Probably just a perfect illusion. I acted cold. I posted that Insta story. I kept scrolling, to see if you have seen my stories. You didn't. You usually will be one of those few that seen my stories first. I was sad again. Was it because you have your attention to somebody else you don't bother about me anymore. I tried to numb myself. I didn't text you. I didn't reply you. Like how I always do every day every morning. That night, when you finally saw my stories, and asked me what happened. why am I being cold to you. I was happy. At least you noticed, at least you cared. Even though we took a while to get back close again, I was still happy we did. I have never told you this before but "Turns out, I actually enjoy talking to you too. I really do."
Even though after the Bedok issue (Took me awhile to accept and call him bedok - the nickname you given him if you realized because i have been just calling him "HIM" and refuses to acknowledge the nickname you given him lol), I was still salty and would sometimes gets upsets and annoys you with him etc but actually I've told myself that if you were to really like him and you both ends up together, I would still wish you all the best. At this point of time, I have been keeping away my feelings for you pretty good and to the actual point that I am able to actually accept you with someone else.
You asked if I wanted to go clubbing one night. Even though I over think and became salty that you're actually just asking me because you have no one else to ask, I am actually still pretty looking forward to going with you. The only concern I had that time was about my Aquarius whether would he be able to allow me go with you. I was afraid of doing the wrong things too which is why I proposed asking him to come along. Eventually he didn't and we went on our own instead. I'm glad we did.
The previous day, when we were still talking about our plans for that night. I got pretty nervous because it would be our first time meeting each other. I'm scared we would just end up being awkward and idk how would it be like in the club. Guess I think too much cause we ended up having lots of fun didn't we haha. On the day itself, I went to a slightly pricier salon which I never been before to get a nice haircut and dyed my hair just so I could actually look "better" when meeting you. All these efforts idk what are they for but I knew I just wanted to look "better"(not good cause I won't look good lmao). Before meeting you, I spent efforts dolling up, styling my hair putting on whatever just so I can look "better".
After all those efforts I'm on my way to meeting you. Nervous, but definitely looking forward. I had a lot of thoughts while on the way there. How we would be like when we first met? How we would be like when we're gonna sit together and eat (we planned to have 4-fingers initially)? How we gonna be like when drinking and how we're gonna be like when in the club? Lots and lots of thoughts before I eventually met you. Haha. Just before I met you, my mom called and asked me about some things. You asked why was my face so black or something right. haha. It was because I wanted to faster end my mom's call just so I can meet you already. Haha. And when we first met. We walked out of Orchard not knowing where to go. I can sense you're shy and awkward and didnt want to look at me. I was too. And I just kept smiling. Hahah. It was. Really sweet. You asked if I'm jiak kantang one. I don't usually always communicate in English. I do communicate in Chinese with my Chinese friends. But when I'm awkward, I often only communicate in English. Haahahah. I was too shy to speak Chinese to you.
Idk if you noticed. When we were just walking, there were a few times we "bumped" into each other as we were walking a little bit too close to each other. I was kinda delighted because I like this kind of skinship actions where we touched onto each other because we're close. haha. Even though we just met not long ago. Hahah. When bringing you to the bar we're drinking at, I got lost and went the wrong way. You were kinda cute when you get annoyed and I guess thats when I got comfortable with you. But when you told me you have no money with you, I got scared for a moment. Yes I told you why and all. Don't blame me for that. You kept telling me you have no cash with you and that is it. You didn't even went on to say like "Oh can you pay first I can pay you later" or something. Obviously it made me feel like you're just gonna make me pay for everything la. Haha. But oh wells. When we sat down and was looking at the menu, we made quite a fool of ourselves because the staff was walking past us and asking if we're ready to order for a few times. But we always ended up telling them we're not ready yet haha. I was quite skeptical to order the stuff because my mind was still on the thoughts of "omg is he gonna make me pay for everything omg how to tell him to share the bill leh omg how how how" lmao I was partially freaking out not knowing what to do please instead of looking at the menu. Hahah.
After we ordered and we gotten our drinks, we chat a little and honestly, I felt good and was really enjoying the time with you. We had our laughter, we had our bitching about straight people we had our talks on cute guys around. I really enjoyed. When you move to sat next to me, I felt even happier. I felt the closeness we had, and I know exactly, how I want my night to be. I don't know if that was what you wanted, you might not wanted all those you might not even have thought of it. But to me, I really just wanted to enjoy my night. Just that night.
When I started touching your chin, I guess the feelings started to come off bit by bit. But at least it was still manageable because I knew that it was all just for the fun and enjoyment that night. When we were leaving the bar, walking to peaches. We had a lot of skinship. We had a lot of fun. We were a nuisance in public. But I really didn’t care about anyone else except us. You said I’m drunk, I acted like one. But deep down I know, I’m not. I remember exactly every single thing that happened. When we went into the wrong door and were stuck in the mall, when we walked pass this statue and you wanted to take a pic. When you said you want to grab over but I told you don't be stupid because its literally just a turn down the road from where we are.
Eventually we made it to Peaches. You saw your friend, you wanted to joined them. I was a bit shagg at first because I thought it would just be a world of both of us. But they were friendly, and your friend is cute. So okay i don’t mind afterall. When they asked whether we’re together, whether do I like you, are we in a relationship. I really don’t know how to answer them. And when you told them and they asked if I had someone else. I didn't wanted to remember the fact that I’m having Aquarius. So I didn’t wanted to answer them.
When we finally got into peaches. We began hugging each other. It was the closest we’ve ever gotten. I felt the happiness. I really, enjoyed it. I’ve got the damn urge, to kiss you. And we did. It really made me felt a lot. But still, I didn’t thought much of the feelings. After all, it was still kept to me that, we just gonna enjoy this night. And that is it. You have your bedok, you have your Aquarius. I kept that within my head. And all I wanted is to just enjoy the night. We had hella a night. The dancing, the unbuttoning, the stupid shits we did. The smile I seen on your face. It was really lovely.
What happened at the bar, (I ain’t gonna say much about it since its gonna be a hurtful memories for us) but whatever happened there really made me think a lot. While we were fighting on the street, while we were in the cab, while i was wondering around your block. I really thought hard about what happened and about us. I’m sorry I didn’t chose to keep my feelings in the end. I decided to give it all in at most till you leave Singapore since you’re already leaving. It really hit me hard and I got really upset thinking about you leaving in just a few weeks. I'm sure I did express it to you. I don't know if you feel the same, about leaving this place where I am at. We were all going fine, just the usual us except together with all the feelings that we have kept at bay previously. I got happy receiving pictures from you. Really happy. I tried to think of ways and every opportunity, for us to have a chance to meet again before you fly off. I wanted to have lunch with you. You declined. I got sad. But its fine. The saddest things has yet to come. When I just reached the office. I told you I felt unwell with my heart cramping again. You did bother to ask why. But you were more concern about how your Aquarius is acting weird. You got really paranoid. You got really upset you were all in a panic and thinking about why whats wrong with him whats gonna happen after all these. Little did you know, my heart died a little. Yes I know. I have always knew and kept this in my mind all the while that, Aquarius will always be your priority. But I don't know why at that moment, I wished you would cared a little bit more about me than him.
I tried to cheered you up. I don't know if it works. But deep down within me, I was tearing. I felt like, something is about to happen. And I was right. You turned cold after that afternoon. We didn't talk as much as we would previously. I knew something was wrong. I didn't text you anything the next day morning like how I usually would. I don't know if you thought of me or you were just bored and had no one to talk to and realizes that I did not text you, but you texted me "Hello" in the afternoon. You have no idea how happy I was to see your name popping up on my screen. I tried acting it cool, I didn't mention anything about the cold, I didn't act cold, I acted as usual showing you my lunch. But honestly, things changed. Over the hours you just kept getting colder and colder. And as the days passed by, we just kept getting more and more distant. I felt like you didn't wanted to meet anymore on the Saturday which we initially planned. I was willing, to give up all my plans, to affect all my friends, to give up on anything and everything, to meet you on this Saturday. You told me you aren't sure whether you still wanna meet because you're afraid that your Aquarius will get angry or what not. I. Was. Dead. That line really killed me and made me realizes everything. You don't want me anymore. I spend hours and hours thinking about it. About are we really just gonna distant like this. I came to a conclusion.
I asked of you. To just please continue with the initial plan, and to continue being what you were that previous Saturday night. I just wanted a night that solely belongs to both of us for the last time, before you fly off, before you make the decision to go distant with me. I just wanted that night - and since I've already sacrificed by cancelling my plans & hotel reservation in JB affecting at least 6 of my friends.
I know you tried to told me that you would still put Aquarius above anyone else and you would still choose him in the end. I truly understand. I'm not asking of you replacing me with him. I know I tweeted a lot of things about both of us. It was all just my thoughts. I did told you that I am entirely fine with just getting back to where we were initially just a normal friend or confidante. I really did told you all these. All I wanted was, just a night for both of us, for me to perfectly end my feelings for you, for us to close on our this chapter. Am I too much for asking that.
Even till the day when we were supposed to meet. We still haven't come to any conclusion about it. Eventually I already started searching up on what could we eat, how could we go to the barrage, what are we gonna do there, how are we gonna end it and come back. I've had it all planned. Even though till hours before our meeting time, you were still sounding really reluctant to meet me. I still had the faith and put in the hope that we will still have a good night eventually. I put in the effort to style and doll myself up again. To make sure I look "better" just like the night we met. All the efforts to actually, ensure that we end with a good night beautifully. But we just didn't. Weird? The last thing you want to hear when you tried to put in effort to care is to get people telling you that you're weird for doing what you're doing. You have no idea, how fucked I felt.
Even before I left house, we still haven made a concrete plan. You told me you wanted me to follow your friend to the airport to chill. Which I really didn't want. But I still decided to head out and meet you because I believe I would still meet you no matter what eventually. Even when in the train, when you aren't replying much. I still hoped and wished, that we will have a good night.
You said we can't go to the barrage because its raining. I did not mind going anywhere else. I told you. Its not about where we are going. Its about, you, your friend, that you're asking me to follow. I told you. I wanted this night to be a perfect ending for us. I wanted it to be solely just for both of us in our own world. Why would you ask me to follow your friend to where she wants to go? It was supposed to be our meet-up. Its not that I have no plans on a Saturday night and was bored so you're asking me if I wanna tag along and follow you with your friend to the airport. WE WERE SUPPOSED TO MEET UP. And you, telling me you can't ditch your friend because she is alone now? Not trying to be mean or being difficult but it is supposed to be our meet up? So why does it have to affect me just because she is alone now? And she has already been with you since afternoon which initially you told me can't meet in the afternoon because you want to sleep but you still ended up going out with your friend anyway. I just don't understand why? And when I was still trying to wait for your reply almost reaching town which we initially was supposed to meet at, you told me you really can't ditch her. So I told you to ditch me instead and I'll just roam alone myself. You didn't reply at all. I reached town. I walked and tried to see if I can find you at Ion. I couldn't. I went to the Pandora. You weren't there. Till now still no reply. I took the train to Somerset because it was raining to see if you're actually at the Somerset side. Walking up floors and floors to see if you're around. To just receive a text saying "I'm on my way to the airport, do you want to come?". Do you know how dead I felt at that time. MY WHOLE WORLD CRASHED. I LITERALLY JUST SAT AT THE SEATS, NOT KNOWING WHAT TO DO AT ALL. I came all the way here. For you to tell me you aren't here anymore? Yes I did told you to ditch me. But can't you sense that was words I said out of anger? Even when you can't sense, can't you at least reply something to ask me to meet you first or something? You knew I was already on the way meeting you. You knew I'm out. YOU KNEW. But you still went on your own way to the airport with your friend and to text me asking if I wanna go?
WE WERE SUPPOSED TO HAVE DINNER. I didn't had anything and was meeting you for dinner. I planned to get Four Fingers which we couldn't get that time. I planned to go Starbucks after to get your favorite drinks. I dug out all my Starbucks credit card excitedly wanting to surprise and treat you to your favorite drink. What happened in the end? Why did you have to do this to me. YOU LEFT ME ALONE. RIGHT AT TOWN. FEELING WRECKED AND CRASHED. I HAD TO WALK THROUGH THE STREETS, NOT KNOWING WHERE TO GO AND WHAT TO DO. TEARS STREAMING DOWN CONTINUOUSLY. JUST BECAUSE OF YOU.
What did I do to actually deserve this? It's not that I'm really requesting too much aren't I? I know that you don't want to continue with such relationship anymore because you're scared of losing your Aquarius I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND. I told you after that night you are free to do whatever you want to drop me or distant me or just delete me from your life I would still accept. But why? Why couldn't we just. Had a proper dinner. Which we initially planned to. Why can't we just have a time for both of us? WHY WHY WHY. WHY THE FUCK CAN'T WE?
I was so wrecked and shattered I didn't want to go home. People came and consoled. I still couldn't get my shit together. I still ended up being at your block waiting for you to come back. Because all I wanted, was just to see you. After all these shits. I still want to see you. I was waiting for you to reply at least. Right after I told you everything that I felt, you just read. And kept it at read. Why? Why didn't you at least reply. Why? Do you really not care anymore? They told me, don't be silly. Just go home. I wondered around your block again, looking at my phone to see if you replied. Looking at our chats. Staring at the place. Where I saw you for the last time. I really don't understand why. Does it not hurt you at all? Do you not feel anything at all putting me through all these pain? Why do you have to do this to me? Why do I have to go through this last night? All I want to know is, why Jupiter?
I went back home. I couldn't sleep. As usual. I tossed and turned till the sun rises. And I started my day again. I told my self brand new day brand new start. Lets not think about you anymore. While I was thinking of what I could do for the day, I decided to watch We Bare Bears. Our. Favorite. Cartoon. I thought I could totally let go of you. I couldn't. I ended up falling asleep from the tiredness. Till I actually woke up from the nap to your long text.
You said I blocked you, which all these time I did not. Because I was still hoping. All I did was to just delete your contact. Removed my pictures. But I just put them back anyway. I unfollowed you. But I still went on to your profile to see if you have any new stories, if you have any new post. I still went to your twitter, to see if you have any new tweets. Nope. None. You texted me a long long text. The longest one you ever texted. You told me about all these while from the day we met and everything. I know you're trying to apologize and let me know that, you did actually cared and liked me. But you can't lead me on anymore because eventually you still love your Aquarius. I totally get it. I don't know why you can't get this through but I'm totally fine that you chose Aquarius eventually. I'm really okay to just go back to being a normal friend or a confidante forever which we promised. I just am totally utterly fucking disappointed, upset and wrecked about what happened yesterday. I just couldn't get why did you had to do that. Was I nothing to you that, you didn't really bother about me going through all those? You didn't bother to reply anything at all - when I expressed my unhappiness. Why? Why did you have to do that? Why couldn't you just ask me to meet you first and then we could just discuss and see what is the best solution we could come out with? Rather than just not meeting me at all leaving me wrecked like this. Why couldn't you? Was I, nothing to you anymore? I don't want an apology. I want to know why.
Sunday, April 8, 2018
Friday, April 7, 2017
Okay I'm back to posting. Right now I'm actually very lazy to continue blogging but I really want to write down everything about this trip so that in the future I would be able to read back again and reminisce everything man hahaha. Would be doing a vlog as well but the vlog would be more visualize while all these blog posts is more of my own personal thoughts and stuff so yeah. I HOPE I GOT THE MOTIVATION TO COMPLETE EVERYDAY HAHAHA I'M ONLY AT DAY 1.
Okay so here it goes....
*disclaimer - Australia Gold Coast timing is 2 hours ahead of Singapore and the timing mention in this post would all be according to Australia timing. *
It was around 11am going 12pm when we reached Brisbane Airport and when we were ready to board the bus and head off for lunch, it was already 12.30 and we're behind schedule by 30 mins.
Once we loaded our luggages up onto the bus, we went to Jakarta Indonesian Restaurant which serves authentic Indonesian cuisine (as stated on it signboard) for lunch.
The food wasn't really nice okay no the food there sucks LOL.
Okay firstly probably because we are late and they are punctual as fuck, the lunch is supposed to be at 12 and we reach the restaurant at around 12.30 and the food is already on the table. So the food probably been there ever since 12 till 12.30 and yeah the food was cold af LOL. Especially the soup.
And secondly, their chicken is salty as fuck you can totally see the salt on it like wtf LOL
See? It's damn fucking salty LOL I really didn't eat much out of this lunch man.
The seating arrangement was quite chaotic also since its our first meal. Everybody just got seated quickly with their cliques and it just left us boys not knowing where to seat LOL. We ended up sitting with them Malay girls and yeah we tried to strike a few conversations LOL.
Some said that the Chicken Skewers was nice but to me it was ermmm okayyyyy like it'll be a lot nicer if its hot but when its cold, its just okay uh most eatable out of all the dishes. And also the keropok. LOL
They also had this idk curry like dish it taste okay to me as well just needs to be hot and it'll taste better. And yeah the soup was a disaster.
I usually don't waste any food and would probably finish ALL the food like literally even those that my friends left over since it'll be a waste to just throw and there is tons of people in the world that is starving so I have this promise to myself that I'll try my best not to waste food and waste money since you need to pay money to get those food LOL.
But at that moment I really told myself that I couldn't do it lol. I ate a few spoonful of rice only like normally I eat quite a lot of rice but I really give up on this meal LOL.
First meal in Australia and I'm crying about it LMAO all to a great start.
After finishing our lunch, we wanted to take a group photo outside the restaurant with our banner but some of them was like why do we have to keep taking a group photo and why with the banner its so ugly.
wait wow holdup bij you aint put any efforts in designing the banner you aint having the rights to insult it you mofo so just stfu. #respectthedesigner And its just the freaking third group photo wat u angst about mofo.
So yeah we had a group photo outside the restaurant before we head off to our next destination.
Went onto the bus and we started to tour around Brisbane City.
We went to visit King George Square, City Hall, Chinatown, Treasury Building, Southbank Parkland and Kangaroo Point.
Actually we didn't really went to all of those places LOL. When we went up the bus, our guide started using the microphone in the bus and was explaining to us all the scenery we see out of the bus. He was very detailed when explaining like when we pass by this road he would say when it was build why did they built this building where did this train came from and etc.
To be honest he was a very cool and nice guide man but I guess its because of his accent most of hard couldn't really understand him so nobody really "react" to his explanations. It was just basically him talking and I'm not sure if anybody was really listening but I did tried to react and reply to him but maybe I was seated all the way at the back of the bus and he probably couldn't hear me too so yeah I gave up halfway LOL.
At first we didn't really know what was going on too like he drove us through a park and started to explain about the surroundings and we thought like so that was just the tour??? like we just stay in the bus and he drive us around and stuff but ended up no he just did it since we were near the park and he just drove around the park and show us around LOL while we're all in the bus.
The first spot where we alighted the bus was at Russell Street where we went to see the Wheel Of Brisbane. Its a definitely shorter than Singapore Flyer but it turns faster than it like our Singapore Flyer takes 30 mins for it to turn one whole round I think Wheel of Brisbane takes about 15mins? for it to turn one whole full round man. yeah. Tried to take a few pictures here and there and also video footage for my vlog.
Continued walking and we walked till a Temple? LOL IDK. It looks like a temple but I didn't really went it cause I was outside trying to take videos here and there and then they left already before I even went it so I had to catch up with them LOL.
Saw a local kid and I asked Wan Ling to help me take a photo with him.
And guess what, beside the playground was just a public swimming pool. Like legit public swimming pool with no enclosure and anybody could just get into the water and swim man. Thats what you call a public swimming pool Singapore. You don't call a public swimming pool and then enclose it up like a private property and still charges admission fee.
Then we continued walking down the stretch of Brisbane River which is similar to Singapore's Marina Bay area where the Singapore River flows and all the different building and landmarks is at. Their skyscraper looks as beautiful as Singapore's man. Sad when we went it was around the noon. Bet the view would be even spectacular at night.
After this, we went back to the bus and head to Kangaroo Point which is another tourist observation point of the Brisbane River.
When we went, another bus taking China tourist was getting there as well hence the whole place was filled with tourist LOL. And you can hear all those China taking their photos screaming "1..2..3.." in Chinese LMAO.
After that a wild random cock like animal appeared and everybody started snapchatting it LOL.
After that took a few group photos here and there.
After that we went back on bus and our bus guide was asking us if we wanna go on to our next and final destination which is "***"(idk what he was saying LOL) and its actually another observation point but just from the opposite angle which means we should be seeing roughly the same things LOL or do we wanna get down to Gold Coast and head to our hotel.
To be honest I was feeling kind of tired and sticky man who knew Gold Coast weather would be as hot as Singapore man. Who told me that Gold Coast would be sweater weather LOL bullshit I sweated so much just on Day 1 and I totally didn't know what to do for the next few days because all I brought was long sleeve shirts & sweaters ;')
I'm fine with either of the choice like since we already paid for everything I don't mind just heading and seeing the opposite view but most of them wanted to get back to the hotel already cause we took the red eye flight and started the day straight after so most of them did not really had a good rest on the plane and was really tired.
So we decided to get down to Gold Coast. It was roughly a 1-2 hours ride down Gold Coast and on the way our bus guide continued to explain all the sceneries and buildings but we're all too tired so we kinda fell asleep and he stopped halfway because almost everybody was literally asleep already LOL.
Oh and I caught him saying while on the way that we went passed Jackie Chan's house in Brisbane with a private ferry next to it like wow Jackie Chan owning houses all around the world man.
Soon enough most of us woke up while we're in Gold Coast already and we kept guessing which building is our hotel LOL. We're like omg is it this? oh no. Is it that? okay nope LOL We're just so excited to see our hotel man.
Finally we reached Novotel Surfers Paradise Hotel and our bus guide helped us unload our luggages and we're all waiting at the lobby while Mr Zachary check in for us.
Wanted to film the process but guess what my camera's battery officially went flat LOL. So back at home I check it still has 76% battery life and I was like thinking it should be enough since my camera is power battery saving and I never had like problems with the battery before so I thought it should be fine. So I was just using it this whole while trying to film everything and then when I was halfway in the plane guess what,,, I realized my camera only left 16% battery life. LOL IKR. Right in the plane man like before I even touch down and even had Day 1 my camera only left with 16% LOL.
So it was all like trying to film within a few seconds then faster off my camera to save the battery LOL. And when I reached the hotel trying to film it officially went dead so I wasn't able to film the part where we just got into the hotels and our rooms :')
Anyway Mr Zachary finally check it and passed us our room cards. Will be sharing the room together with Joe and Bruce. Was praying hard that our room would be big enough for all three of us and the beds would be big too like since theres three of us, if theres gonna be three bed the bed should be small so that it'll be able to fit into the room so was kinda sad for that but guess what
Our room was huge as fuck. LOL. Most of our rooms were located at the 8th storey which actually was the lowest floor that has all the guest rooms. Only two or three of the room were located at the 12th floor. Yeah their room plans is so weird like their level intervals are weird lol.
But anyway cause we had 3 guys so ours is the "bigger" room and there was like 3 queen size bed in the room. (wtf right like wow that how big the room is)
We had like one bed that is in like a "separated segment" of our room. The first thing we say when we saw we're like lets sleep together man LOL. Like its too scary to sleep alone since that part of the room have nothing except just directly facing the door LOL.
So we decided to take turns to sleep individually everyday and the other two would have to sleep together. yeah.
And we used that extra part of the room to put our luggages and stuffs. After we unpack our luggages, we went to bathe before meeting the rest of our cliques. We still have some time before dinner time and we were given the chance to go around and explore but we have to be in teams so we decided to go out as a clique and check out the beach.
We went to the girls room first to discuss about the blog that we'll be working on and we're kinda skeptical at first as the facilitators has already said it clear that the guys shouldn't be going to the girls room in the night or something so we aren't really sure are we allowed to go to the girls room and somemore the facilitators room is just next to Wan Ling & Phyllis's room. But we decided to go anyway since its still early and we're discussing work man.
Was discussing halfway till we realize the room getting a little bit hot and we're like is the air-con spoilt or something so we called Ms Teh and she told us to call the lobby or something so we did. End up it was us not closing the balcony door properly thats why the aircon wasn't working LMAO.
So after we settle some things and all for the blog, we head down to the lobby and asked the counter how to go to the beach and they told us to walk out turn left and turn left again and then walk straight up and we'll see the beach. The beach was just 3 mins away from our hotel. When we saw the beach all of us sort of "ran" towards it.
The view was amazing man omg. Like the waves and everything. No wonder its called Surfers Paradise cause the waves are really huge.
Went to took a few photos here and there and a group photo with the sign.
After that went down to the water with Joey to take some videos and pictures and damn the feeling was so shiok man when the water splash. Didn't really wanted to get into the water so was just standing at the area near the water. But the waves was so strong the swash hit my legs and I did not have time to react man but nonetheless the feelings was still good hahah.
Tried taking videos here and there and damn. The view was marvelous.
My photography skills sucks man totally not doing justice to the view but trust me it is really nice haha. Maybe I shall put some video footage for you guys to see better.
And yes we kind of witnessed the sun setting man like when we reached the beach the sky and clouds was still white but it turned blue then to black hahaha. Sad that we didn't went "into" the water to play haha.
After going to the beach, we went back to gather with the rest and proceed to our dinner place.
Our dinner place was like a 5mins walk away from our hotel. Had to cross roads here and there. The thing about the traffic light in Australia is that I've concluded Australians are descendants of "The Flash". LMAO Their traffic light is only like 5 secs? Like wtf I haven walk halfway the light turn red already. So I concluded that Australians only need 5 secs to cross the road which explain why I think their the descendants of "The Flash" LOL.
Since there is such a big group of us, crossing the road is a hassle man. Like we have to separate into two group cause the light is only going for 5 secs and there are cars going around and if we were to go together the last person of the group probably still haven cross the road and it turned red already LOL.
For dinner we had Malaysian cuisine (LOL IKR go Australia have Indonesian Cuisine for lunch, Malaysian Cuisine for dinner LEL) However it was still a nice dinner man.
The dinner was sort of like Chinese zichar style where they slowly serve one dish by one dish. We sat in a table of 9? and our table was the quietest LOL. Like you can hear all the other tables talking screaming and laughing but our table is just quietly eating our meal LOL. tbh ideky too like I didn't really realize hahah All those that were usually the chatterbox didn't really talk much that moment.
After dinner we walked back again and were given the chance to go around grocery shopping just be sure to be at the hotel room before 10pm since 10pm is our lights out and the timing for room checks.
Went around to buy certain items and then we went to Woolworths which is a supermarket just next to our hotel and damn the items there was cray. Some items was so expensive (more expensive than Singapore) and some are unusually cheap. Didn't really buy anything during the first day cause I don't feel like eating anything and I'll probably do my shopping the next time.
Just walking around looking at all the items with them and damn sheetz they bought so farking much man LOL. Some of them was crazy like because theres this brand of Peanut Butter that is cheaper than the one sold in Singapore (? idk about this) and so some of them bought like 5 cans some bought 3 so in the end they have a basket just full of the peanut butter LOL. And then they also bought chips like cray cray man like LOL the chips ain't that cheap too like it cost $5/6 per packet and they still bought like 4/5 packet just on Day 1 itself LOLOL. It's crazy. But they really do have lots of variety of potato chips man like Wagyu beef with wasabi cream and then champagne vinaigrette with shallot.
After all that crazy grocery shopping we went back to our hotel room and had to start working on our blog posts. Was chilling outside the balcony first and damn. The vibe and atmosphere there was really good for just chilling and talking man. Took some chairs and tables from Wan Ling's balcony since they don't need it and we called Shark and Kenneth down to work together on the blogpost. But eventually it was just me typing everything. Not that they aren't putting effort ah they really tried and wanted to help but I just find it like it'll be easier for me to just faster type finish since I've been blogging last time so it'll be easier for me to do it and I don't mind just letting them chill there.
After that Bruce was like it'll be best if there is beers here man LOL he was like asking whether we wanna go and purchase it but its like late already and I'm too lazy to head down again so I'm telling him like nevermind la tomorrow or something but he eventually went to purchase it LOL. He bought Heineken back? I don't really remember LOL It's just green in colour. But the alcohol level in the beers is only like 3% or something LOL lousier than Singapore's.
Chilled outside the balcony drank abit and everything feels so good man. The weather was so chilly and the breeze was cooling. It was around 24/25 degrees that night? yeah love Gold Coast weather man.
While we're talking and all, Guan Qi from next door suddenly pop through her balcony with her Zebra mask on and asked us something LOL we all got shocked for a moment HAHA suddenly a zebra pop out of nowhere. It was kinda funny at that moment.
After completing the blog post, all it left to do was to put in the pictures but the internet was kinda slow so we just let it load and the clique was feeling hungry so we decided to head over to MacDonald's which is just in front of the beach.
Their MacDonald's is expensive too man and its mostly beef I guess. Nothing special about their MacDonald's. But I love their fries man they have like Truffle Fries with Mayo and also some Spice Sauce Fries or something. Bought it and tried and yum it was nice. They also had like $1 chocolate chips pancake it was nice too man. Bought that to eat for fun haha since I wasn't really hungry.
After eating we went back and it was already around 1+? (Which is actually just 11pm in SG LOL)
Was supposed to head to bed but I guess because it was a new environment so I couldn't really sleep even though I didn't sleep much on the plane before that. So Joe decided to chat with me and we had some really deep talk haha. And all these time Bruce was just sleeping soundly like idek he's just sleeping throughout the whole trip LMAO.
And oh ya. I've got this stupid story about Bruce to share. So once we came back from Grocery shopping Bruce said he wanted to dip in the bathtub so he on the water and let it filled up. Then he went outside the balcony and chilled with us for awhile. After that he decided to go and buy the beers and guess what YES. HE FORGOTTEN ABOUT THE BATH. LOL SO THE WATER WAS FILLING UP AND YES. IT FLOODED THE WHOLE TOILET LOLOL. Water was flowing out of toilet into the room already when Joe realized it and Bruce just came back from buying. It was damn stupid and I was damn pissed at that moment man LOLOL can't stop scolding him. After that he was just sitting down on the floor taking the hairdryer drying the carpeted floor LOL.
And okay so after a long talk with Joe, we were like hmm should we dip our legs in the bath? And we decided to do it LOL at like 3am in the morning? So after filling the water we sat for awhile and talk a little before Joe was like okay I really can't take it already LOLOL. I guess he is damn tired man. So he went to sleep. I wanted to sleep too but I realized my pants got wet while sitting in the bath tube so I went to the other "segment" of the room and took the hairdryer to dry my pants LOL.
After that I went back to the bed and tried to sleep. And yeap Day 1 ended this way. Slept at around 4am I think. Had to wake at like 6am the next day and it was a torture. hahah. Day 2 going Tangalooma Island Resort! Stay tune to my Day 2 post and hopefully it'll be up soon HAHAH. Day 1 blog post took like 6 days man omg LOL. Alright guys bye!
It's KimTaevin pressing the Publish button now. BYE :D
Okay so here it goes....
*disclaimer - Australia Gold Coast timing is 2 hours ahead of Singapore and the timing mention in this post would all be according to Australia timing. *
It was around 11am going 12pm when we reached Brisbane Airport and when we were ready to board the bus and head off for lunch, it was already 12.30 and we're behind schedule by 30 mins.
Once we loaded our luggages up onto the bus, we went to Jakarta Indonesian Restaurant which serves authentic Indonesian cuisine (as stated on it signboard) for lunch.
The food wasn't really nice okay no the food there sucks LOL.
Okay firstly probably because we are late and they are punctual as fuck, the lunch is supposed to be at 12 and we reach the restaurant at around 12.30 and the food is already on the table. So the food probably been there ever since 12 till 12.30 and yeah the food was cold af LOL. Especially the soup.
And secondly, their chicken is salty as fuck you can totally see the salt on it like wtf LOL
See? It's damn fucking salty LOL I really didn't eat much out of this lunch man.
The seating arrangement was quite chaotic also since its our first meal. Everybody just got seated quickly with their cliques and it just left us boys not knowing where to seat LOL. We ended up sitting with them Malay girls and yeah we tried to strike a few conversations LOL.
Some said that the Chicken Skewers was nice but to me it was ermmm okayyyyy like it'll be a lot nicer if its hot but when its cold, its just okay uh most eatable out of all the dishes. And also the keropok. LOL
They also had this idk curry like dish it taste okay to me as well just needs to be hot and it'll taste better. And yeah the soup was a disaster.
I usually don't waste any food and would probably finish ALL the food like literally even those that my friends left over since it'll be a waste to just throw and there is tons of people in the world that is starving so I have this promise to myself that I'll try my best not to waste food and waste money since you need to pay money to get those food LOL.
But at that moment I really told myself that I couldn't do it lol. I ate a few spoonful of rice only like normally I eat quite a lot of rice but I really give up on this meal LOL.
First meal in Australia and I'm crying about it LMAO all to a great start.
After finishing our lunch, we wanted to take a group photo outside the restaurant with our banner but some of them was like why do we have to keep taking a group photo and why with the banner its so ugly.
wait wow holdup bij you aint put any efforts in designing the banner you aint having the rights to insult it you mofo so just stfu. #respectthedesigner And its just the freaking third group photo wat u angst about mofo.
So yeah we had a group photo outside the restaurant before we head off to our next destination.
Went onto the bus and we started to tour around Brisbane City.
We went to visit King George Square, City Hall, Chinatown, Treasury Building, Southbank Parkland and Kangaroo Point.
Actually we didn't really went to all of those places LOL. When we went up the bus, our guide started using the microphone in the bus and was explaining to us all the scenery we see out of the bus. He was very detailed when explaining like when we pass by this road he would say when it was build why did they built this building where did this train came from and etc.
To be honest he was a very cool and nice guide man but I guess its because of his accent most of hard couldn't really understand him so nobody really "react" to his explanations. It was just basically him talking and I'm not sure if anybody was really listening but I did tried to react and reply to him but maybe I was seated all the way at the back of the bus and he probably couldn't hear me too so yeah I gave up halfway LOL.
At first we didn't really know what was going on too like he drove us through a park and started to explain about the surroundings and we thought like so that was just the tour??? like we just stay in the bus and he drive us around and stuff but ended up no he just did it since we were near the park and he just drove around the park and show us around LOL while we're all in the bus.
The first spot where we alighted the bus was at Russell Street where we went to see the Wheel Of Brisbane. Its a definitely shorter than Singapore Flyer but it turns faster than it like our Singapore Flyer takes 30 mins for it to turn one whole round I think Wheel of Brisbane takes about 15mins? for it to turn one whole full round man. yeah. Tried to take a few pictures here and there and also video footage for my vlog.
Wheel Of Brisbane |
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The Ancient Temple??? LOL IDK LMAO |
After that we continued walking to a public playground where there is a lot of kids playing. Their public playground is really different from Singapore man. Like theirs includes tower that allows you to climb here and there and there was this huge hamster wheel where people get to run in it like how a hamster does LOL. Ms Teh and some of the students tried it. It was quite funny seeing them running and falling after that LOL.
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The Hamster Wheel LOL |
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Obviously he must be thinking who the fuck this asian stranger is trying to take a photo with him LOL |
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And eventually he did LOL. |
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Then Joe & Wan Ling joined and we took a photo again LOL. He must be tired of us stupid asians taking photos everytime. |
Then we continued walking down the stretch of Brisbane River which is similar to Singapore's Marina Bay area where the Singapore River flows and all the different building and landmarks is at. Their skyscraper looks as beautiful as Singapore's man. Sad when we went it was around the noon. Bet the view would be even spectacular at night.
After this, we went back to the bus and head to Kangaroo Point which is another tourist observation point of the Brisbane River.
When we went, another bus taking China tourist was getting there as well hence the whole place was filled with tourist LOL. And you can hear all those China taking their photos screaming "1..2..3.." in Chinese LMAO.
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Basically kind of the same view just from another angle LOL. |
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You can see the amount of tourist behind man and LOL @ Jiaying's face idek what she doing |
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What is this? Is this even a Chicken or a bird or whatever idek LOL |
With Losers & Fam |
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With Losers & Fam along Brisbane River |
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with them clique that has been talking about going overseas for years :') |
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with xiaoqlong & 99 |
Team 5 - The Kookaburras |
To be honest I was feeling kind of tired and sticky man who knew Gold Coast weather would be as hot as Singapore man. Who told me that Gold Coast would be sweater weather LOL bullshit I sweated so much just on Day 1 and I totally didn't know what to do for the next few days because all I brought was long sleeve shirts & sweaters ;')
I'm fine with either of the choice like since we already paid for everything I don't mind just heading and seeing the opposite view but most of them wanted to get back to the hotel already cause we took the red eye flight and started the day straight after so most of them did not really had a good rest on the plane and was really tired.
So we decided to get down to Gold Coast. It was roughly a 1-2 hours ride down Gold Coast and on the way our bus guide continued to explain all the sceneries and buildings but we're all too tired so we kinda fell asleep and he stopped halfway because almost everybody was literally asleep already LOL.
Oh and I caught him saying while on the way that we went passed Jackie Chan's house in Brisbane with a private ferry next to it like wow Jackie Chan owning houses all around the world man.
Soon enough most of us woke up while we're in Gold Coast already and we kept guessing which building is our hotel LOL. We're like omg is it this? oh no. Is it that? okay nope LOL We're just so excited to see our hotel man.
Finally we reached Novotel Surfers Paradise Hotel and our bus guide helped us unload our luggages and we're all waiting at the lobby while Mr Zachary check in for us.
Wanted to film the process but guess what my camera's battery officially went flat LOL. So back at home I check it still has 76% battery life and I was like thinking it should be enough since my camera is power battery saving and I never had like problems with the battery before so I thought it should be fine. So I was just using it this whole while trying to film everything and then when I was halfway in the plane guess what,,, I realized my camera only left 16% battery life. LOL IKR. Right in the plane man like before I even touch down and even had Day 1 my camera only left with 16% LOL.
So it was all like trying to film within a few seconds then faster off my camera to save the battery LOL. And when I reached the hotel trying to film it officially went dead so I wasn't able to film the part where we just got into the hotels and our rooms :')
Anyway Mr Zachary finally check it and passed us our room cards. Will be sharing the room together with Joe and Bruce. Was praying hard that our room would be big enough for all three of us and the beds would be big too like since theres three of us, if theres gonna be three bed the bed should be small so that it'll be able to fit into the room so was kinda sad for that but guess what
Our room was huge as fuck. LOL. Most of our rooms were located at the 8th storey which actually was the lowest floor that has all the guest rooms. Only two or three of the room were located at the 12th floor. Yeah their room plans is so weird like their level intervals are weird lol.
But anyway cause we had 3 guys so ours is the "bigger" room and there was like 3 queen size bed in the room. (wtf right like wow that how big the room is)
A snapchat of my room LOL.
So we decided to take turns to sleep individually everyday and the other two would have to sleep together. yeah.
And we used that extra part of the room to put our luggages and stuffs. After we unpack our luggages, we went to bathe before meeting the rest of our cliques. We still have some time before dinner time and we were given the chance to go around and explore but we have to be in teams so we decided to go out as a clique and check out the beach.
We went to the girls room first to discuss about the blog that we'll be working on and we're kinda skeptical at first as the facilitators has already said it clear that the guys shouldn't be going to the girls room in the night or something so we aren't really sure are we allowed to go to the girls room and somemore the facilitators room is just next to Wan Ling & Phyllis's room. But we decided to go anyway since its still early and we're discussing work man.
Was discussing halfway till we realize the room getting a little bit hot and we're like is the air-con spoilt or something so we called Ms Teh and she told us to call the lobby or something so we did. End up it was us not closing the balcony door properly thats why the aircon wasn't working LMAO.
So after we settle some things and all for the blog, we head down to the lobby and asked the counter how to go to the beach and they told us to walk out turn left and turn left again and then walk straight up and we'll see the beach. The beach was just 3 mins away from our hotel. When we saw the beach all of us sort of "ran" towards it.
The view was amazing man omg. Like the waves and everything. No wonder its called Surfers Paradise cause the waves are really huge.
Went to took a few photos here and there and a group photo with the sign.
After that went down to the water with Joey to take some videos and pictures and damn the feeling was so shiok man when the water splash. Didn't really wanted to get into the water so was just standing at the area near the water. But the waves was so strong the swash hit my legs and I did not have time to react man but nonetheless the feelings was still good hahah.
Tried taking videos here and there and damn. The view was marvelous.
My photography skills sucks man totally not doing justice to the view but trust me it is really nice haha. Maybe I shall put some video footage for you guys to see better.
After going to the beach, we went back to gather with the rest and proceed to our dinner place.
Our dinner place was like a 5mins walk away from our hotel. Had to cross roads here and there. The thing about the traffic light in Australia is that I've concluded Australians are descendants of "The Flash". LMAO Their traffic light is only like 5 secs? Like wtf I haven walk halfway the light turn red already. So I concluded that Australians only need 5 secs to cross the road which explain why I think their the descendants of "The Flash" LOL.
Since there is such a big group of us, crossing the road is a hassle man. Like we have to separate into two group cause the light is only going for 5 secs and there are cars going around and if we were to go together the last person of the group probably still haven cross the road and it turned red already LOL.
For dinner we had Malaysian cuisine (LOL IKR go Australia have Indonesian Cuisine for lunch, Malaysian Cuisine for dinner LEL) However it was still a nice dinner man.
Chicken Vegetable Corn Soup. |
Seafood Curry |
Onion Omelette |
Fish |
Vegetables |
Minced Chicken Toufu |
Fried Chicken Cubes |
Fruits |
After dinner we walked back again and were given the chance to go around grocery shopping just be sure to be at the hotel room before 10pm since 10pm is our lights out and the timing for room checks.
Went around to buy certain items and then we went to Woolworths which is a supermarket just next to our hotel and damn the items there was cray. Some items was so expensive (more expensive than Singapore) and some are unusually cheap. Didn't really buy anything during the first day cause I don't feel like eating anything and I'll probably do my shopping the next time.
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The logo actually looks like our Cold Storage LOL |
After all that crazy grocery shopping we went back to our hotel room and had to start working on our blog posts. Was chilling outside the balcony first and damn. The vibe and atmosphere there was really good for just chilling and talking man. Took some chairs and tables from Wan Ling's balcony since they don't need it and we called Shark and Kenneth down to work together on the blogpost. But eventually it was just me typing everything. Not that they aren't putting effort ah they really tried and wanted to help but I just find it like it'll be easier for me to just faster type finish since I've been blogging last time so it'll be easier for me to do it and I don't mind just letting them chill there.
After that Bruce was like it'll be best if there is beers here man LOL he was like asking whether we wanna go and purchase it but its like late already and I'm too lazy to head down again so I'm telling him like nevermind la tomorrow or something but he eventually went to purchase it LOL. He bought Heineken back? I don't really remember LOL It's just green in colour. But the alcohol level in the beers is only like 3% or something LOL lousier than Singapore's.
Chilled outside the balcony drank abit and everything feels so good man. The weather was so chilly and the breeze was cooling. It was around 24/25 degrees that night? yeah love Gold Coast weather man.
While we're talking and all, Guan Qi from next door suddenly pop through her balcony with her Zebra mask on and asked us something LOL we all got shocked for a moment HAHA suddenly a zebra pop out of nowhere. It was kinda funny at that moment.
After completing the blog post, all it left to do was to put in the pictures but the internet was kinda slow so we just let it load and the clique was feeling hungry so we decided to head over to MacDonald's which is just in front of the beach.
Their MacDonald's is expensive too man and its mostly beef I guess. Nothing special about their MacDonald's. But I love their fries man they have like Truffle Fries with Mayo and also some Spice Sauce Fries or something. Bought it and tried and yum it was nice. They also had like $1 chocolate chips pancake it was nice too man. Bought that to eat for fun haha since I wasn't really hungry.
After eating we went back and it was already around 1+? (Which is actually just 11pm in SG LOL)
Was supposed to head to bed but I guess because it was a new environment so I couldn't really sleep even though I didn't sleep much on the plane before that. So Joe decided to chat with me and we had some really deep talk haha. And all these time Bruce was just sleeping soundly like idek he's just sleeping throughout the whole trip LMAO.
And oh ya. I've got this stupid story about Bruce to share. So once we came back from Grocery shopping Bruce said he wanted to dip in the bathtub so he on the water and let it filled up. Then he went outside the balcony and chilled with us for awhile. After that he decided to go and buy the beers and guess what YES. HE FORGOTTEN ABOUT THE BATH. LOL SO THE WATER WAS FILLING UP AND YES. IT FLOODED THE WHOLE TOILET LOLOL. Water was flowing out of toilet into the room already when Joe realized it and Bruce just came back from buying. It was damn stupid and I was damn pissed at that moment man LOLOL can't stop scolding him. After that he was just sitting down on the floor taking the hairdryer drying the carpeted floor LOL.
And okay so after a long talk with Joe, we were like hmm should we dip our legs in the bath? And we decided to do it LOL at like 3am in the morning? So after filling the water we sat for awhile and talk a little before Joe was like okay I really can't take it already LOLOL. I guess he is damn tired man. So he went to sleep. I wanted to sleep too but I realized my pants got wet while sitting in the bath tube so I went to the other "segment" of the room and took the hairdryer to dry my pants LOL.
After that I went back to the bed and tried to sleep. And yeap Day 1 ended this way. Slept at around 4am I think. Had to wake at like 6am the next day and it was a torture. hahah. Day 2 going Tangalooma Island Resort! Stay tune to my Day 2 post and hopefully it'll be up soon HAHAH. Day 1 blog post took like 6 days man omg LOL. Alright guys bye!
It's KimTaevin pressing the Publish button now. BYE :D
Saturday, April 1, 2017
So finally the day had come and I'm flying to Australia!! The trip starts from 21 - 25 March 2017 but we're flying over on 20 March midnight and we're taking the red-eye which means our flight departs at midnight and arrives the next morning.
Was so excited on 20 March 2017 that I guess I woke up a little bit earlier than usual. Didn't have much to do since I've already packed everything and is ready to head off. Just doing some last minute checks to ensure that I've brought everything that I wanna bring over.
Mom knock off work earlier that day too probably to spend more time with me before I fly off awwhhh she must be missing me so much HAHAHAH. Mom asked me to try to sleep for awhile but I couldn't really sleep since I was kinda excited for the trip like omg its finally happening man. Been talking about it ever since months ago and now its finally happening haha.
Time flew past and it was time to get ready before having my dinner and head over to Changi Airport. Bathed and wore my SOT shirt and just when I finish styling my hair and about to use my hair spray, I realized it was totally empty already LOL I wanted to bring it over to Gold Coast to use but I totally didn't realize that it was already empty LOL FML was pressing it very hard trying to squeeze every bit out of it.
After that had my dinner and all till 8.20 before Joey's dad arrived to fetch us to Airport! Mom was so cute saying that she wants to accompany me down LOL.
My luggage was slightly bigger than average medium hence it was kind of hard to put it in the boot of the car but thanks to Joey's dad and boyfriend we managed to squeeze it in. Went to fetch Amelia next and we had a hard time before squeezing three medium luggage into the car boot LOL. Chat with Amelia and Joey for awhile in the car before reaching the Airport at around 9.30pm? The reporting time was 9.45pm so yay we're early. For once. HAHA.
Saw Jasmine and her mom while we were on the way walking to the assigned berth. My parents actually wanted to go to the airport to send me off but I kinda ask them not to because I'm taking a midnight flight and since my dad doesn't has a car now, its pretty much a hassle for them to travel all the way to Airport and there is work for them tomorrow so I asked them to stayed at home instead HAHA. Told them that they could fetch me when I am coming back instead.
Finally saw everyone at the assigned berth sitting and waiting and omg I finally feel the 100% excitement that this trip is going for real now. Finally out of so many tries, we're finally getting onto the plane man.
Saw Jessica who was there to sent us off and she was like "Eh Melvin, you look totally like a tourist with your DSLR". LOL Can't help it, many have said that I really look like a tourist when I'm holding my DSLR around my neck. Especially those China one LOL
Ms Grace Lim came as well to send us off (Thank you, really appreciate the thought but shagballzxc she kinda made everyone had a bad start of this trip man) Mr Zachary came followed by Ms Teeny Teh. Finally everyone has arrived and we started giving out the RP DIEM luggage tag (Provided by Kenneth yay Thanks!) for us to tie on our luggage so as to easy identify at the luggage belt. Was so excited wanting to take nice Insta-worthy photos to post but couldn't really take one in time shaggggzxc. After that Ms Grace was kinda rushing us to check in and stuff and everything was kinda hectic man I was totally in a blur state like whuttt LOL All i know is I wanna take a nice photo for Instagram.
After we checked-in, we were waiting outside the departure hall and I was told that Ms Lynn Yue was coming over to send us off as she just came back from overseas and is at the airport at the time as well and Mr Zachary was like lets wait 5-10 more minutes. But I guess Ms Grace Lim was just rushing us off (tbh idk what is she rushing about when both the facis in charge wasn't saying anything) and eventually we just faster took a group photo and proceed into the departure hall without waiting for Ms Lynn Yue. Sad mannzxc.
While walking into the departure hall, the security guards must have saw us wearing the same shirt walking together so he is like "eh you guys going as a school?" and we're like yeah we're from Republic Polytechnic and he was like "wah so good back in my time my school bring us to Zoo only sia" and he was just smiling and laughing while checking the rest of our passports LOL
After getting into the departure hall, we were given some time to roam around before meeting at the boarding room. Went with Wan Ling, Thiam Joe and Bruce to look around the perfume shop as they wanted to get some perfume. They were like asking me whether does this smells nice or not but damn my nose was totally blocked because I was sick the past few days before having flu so I totally couldn't smell anything LOL Wan Ling ended up buying a Marc Jacobs perfume and Thiam Joe bought the Calvin Klein Be. After that we just went around and roam in all the DFS. Their alcohols inside is really god damn cheap man you won't believe the difference in prices from all the bars outside.
After that it was time to gather at the boarding room and we were given the departure card for us to fill. We were all very careful when filling the departure card because our tour agency did told us before that Australia customs is very strict and they play mind games with the passengers. You've to cross whenever applicable in the card instead of ticks (which is common for other countries departure card) as they have stated in the instructions to cross. If they see that you are not following instructions, they would open up and search your luggage LOL. So most of us were just asking and confirming with each other to ensure that we're all writing the correct thing in the form.
It was finally time to board the plane and we're taking Singapore Airline. Tbh I wasn't really that excited anymore because I got to know that my seat on the plane wasn't a window seat. LOL (I want to film the view outside which is why I want the window seats man)
Was supposed to take the middle seat with Me, Bruce and then Thiam Joe. But Thiam Joe wanted to change with Phyllis so as to sit with Wan Ling. So I wanted to change with Bruce and take the middle seat since Bruce don't really know Phyllis but ended up JiaYing and Breelyn wanted to change with me and Bruce so the three of them could sit together. So we ended up changing here and there and yay I got the window seat in the end haha.
The moment everybody settle down they take out their earpiece and listen to their songs already. LOL while theres me trying to film using my DSLR and ended up waving so that I can catch their attention and ask them to wave to the camera LOL.
After filming and all, I settled down and begin to explore whatever there is in the plane. Each of us had a small interactive "TV" for us to watch movies, listen to songs or to play games. Bruce was like saying he wants to watch this dk what Mekong movie which is a Chinese movie LOL. I didn't really feel like watching a movie so I decided to listen to songs instead.
After that was just waiting for the plane to take off so that I can film the process for my vlog.
The flight to Brisbane from Singapore was 8 hours omg thinking about it now I don't even know how I even survive that. Tried to sleep but couldn't really sleep so I just wore my eye mask and kept my eyes closed.
The facilitators had told the stewardess before hand not to serve any alcoholic drinks to us shag sia. They serve so many nice alcoholic drinks on board like Singapore Sling, Bloody Mary and all those Spirits and wine but we can't try any of it.
We were served 2 meals on board one being refreshments and another being breakfast. The food was gooodddd af man. It taste really nice.
Just when I was about 30% asleep, Bruce woke me up and like "eh want try. I managed to get the Singapore Sling" LOLOLOL HAHA tried it and it taste nice but I just went back to hibernating mood after that haha.
There was this point of time where I felt like there was a small flash shining on my right eyes and initially I thought it was the stewardess or anybody thats just trying to browse through using the flashlight or something. But it happened again and I was like okay lets just ignore it. Then it happened again for the third time and I'm like okay fuck this shit if its happening again I'm gonna wake and stare at whoever that did it and guess what. At the fourth time which is the brightest flash of all there came a "click" sound too. At the moment I fucking knew what was going on and was like tearing my eye mask off staring at Bruce.
Yes Bruce was fucking using my DSLR trying to take a picture of the view outside the window but he doesn't know how to use it. Usually the DSLR had to focus before capturing the picture and while focusing it would let out a short flash to auto select the appropriate settings for the picture. Which is why there was a few small flashes the first time round because he didn't know how to take the picture and the camera just kept trying to focus.
And eventually he took a picture with the flash on and guess what.
Yes fucking hell LOL The whole plane was freaking dark as it was way pass midnight around 4am at that point of time and most of the passengers were sleeping and then suddenly came the flashes. You could see lots of head popping out trying to see what was going on and quite a few of us thought that there was a huge "lightning" outside our plane man wtf I can't even LOL BRUCEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
Woke up a few times to see the sun rise and the view outside was amazingly awesome man. One of the best nature view I've ever seen 😍
After that couldn't really sleep and I really need to use the toilet but just when I was unbuckling my seat belts, the lights to buckle your seat belts and stay in seats came on LOL FML. Was trying to hold it in so badly.
After the lights went off I immediately flew out of my seats LOL. Went to brushed my teeth as well in the toilet. The toilet was really small actually but good enough to take some toilet selfies 😛
After that went back to seat and we're left with around 2 hours more till we reach Brisbane. Asked Bruce to play with me some games using the Interactive TV. We decided to play Battleship. LOL It was quite fun since I won a few times too HAHA.
After that we became bored and he decided to do his own stuff and I went to browse through some movies to watch. Decided to watch Long Long Time Ago Part 1 since I didn't really watched it before. At that time we're only left with around 1 hour? till we reach Brisbane so I just watched halfway only.
After that we finally reached Brisbane Airport and phew it was such a torture siting at the seats for 8 hours man omg but was getting more excited since we're not in Singapore anymore 😛
Walk passed through all the difference clearance stages like face recognition, handheld bag checks and finally luggage collection. The luggage collection took quite a long time and we were sort of over the time expected at the moment. So once we see luggages with our yellow tag we immediately pick it out of the luggage belt and proceed to luggage clearance. Lucky for us the immigration officers didn't really check our luggage and all. In front of us was a bunch of China tourist and most of them got called to check hence when it was our turn, I was damn afraid they would ask us to open up our luggages too. Australia customs has the strictest rule of prohibiting food items to be brought into Australia hence we were told not to bring any food at all over not even sweets. But lucky for us, most of us just clear the clearance within a few seconds.
After that we proceed to the waiting area where I need to use the toilet once again LOL their toilets are considered clean as well but rather small as compared to our Changi Airport toilets probably because their Airport is smaller.
While waiting for others to come back from the toilets, I tried to connect to the wifi connection that we bought at Changi Recommends which cost $50 for 5 days in Australia and we shared among the boys hence it was like $16? for the entire trip with unlimited usage.
After that we were greeted by our tour guide cum driver which is called "Adrian" (To be honest till now I still have no impression when he told us his name and I really didn't know his name till I came back to Singapore and read the SOT blog written by others that has his name on it LOL) we were rushed again since we're kind of behind time due to the luggage collection and we quickly took a group photo at the Brisbane Airport again before heading up to our bus.
Up till here it is the start of Day 1 and I'll continue the day in the next post. Hope I'll still be motivated to continue blogging about the whole trip man LOL. I really want to blog about the whole trip with all the small minor details which I probably wouldn't remember in the future hence this few blog posts would allow me to "reminisce" this entire trip when I read it in the future man.
Okay I spend like the entire night blogging about Day 0 and I feel really exhausted now LOL. Gonna take some rest and continue watching my Naruto before heading to sleep 😬
Once again, its Kim Taevin pressing the Publish button now. CHEERS 🙌
Was so excited on 20 March 2017 that I guess I woke up a little bit earlier than usual. Didn't have much to do since I've already packed everything and is ready to head off. Just doing some last minute checks to ensure that I've brought everything that I wanna bring over.
Mom knock off work earlier that day too probably to spend more time with me before I fly off awwhhh she must be missing me so much HAHAHAH. Mom asked me to try to sleep for awhile but I couldn't really sleep since I was kinda excited for the trip like omg its finally happening man. Been talking about it ever since months ago and now its finally happening haha.
Time flew past and it was time to get ready before having my dinner and head over to Changi Airport. Bathed and wore my SOT shirt and just when I finish styling my hair and about to use my hair spray, I realized it was totally empty already LOL I wanted to bring it over to Gold Coast to use but I totally didn't realize that it was already empty LOL FML was pressing it very hard trying to squeeze every bit out of it.
After that had my dinner and all till 8.20 before Joey's dad arrived to fetch us to Airport! Mom was so cute saying that she wants to accompany me down LOL.
My luggage was slightly bigger than average medium hence it was kind of hard to put it in the boot of the car but thanks to Joey's dad and boyfriend we managed to squeeze it in. Went to fetch Amelia next and we had a hard time before squeezing three medium luggage into the car boot LOL. Chat with Amelia and Joey for awhile in the car before reaching the Airport at around 9.30pm? The reporting time was 9.45pm so yay we're early. For once. HAHA.
Saw Jasmine and her mom while we were on the way walking to the assigned berth. My parents actually wanted to go to the airport to send me off but I kinda ask them not to because I'm taking a midnight flight and since my dad doesn't has a car now, its pretty much a hassle for them to travel all the way to Airport and there is work for them tomorrow so I asked them to stayed at home instead HAHA. Told them that they could fetch me when I am coming back instead.
Finally saw everyone at the assigned berth sitting and waiting and omg I finally feel the 100% excitement that this trip is going for real now. Finally out of so many tries, we're finally getting onto the plane man.
Saw Jessica who was there to sent us off and she was like "Eh Melvin, you look totally like a tourist with your DSLR". LOL Can't help it, many have said that I really look like a tourist when I'm holding my DSLR around my neck. Especially those China one LOL
Jessica & Me using my phone LOL |
So many cameras action going on that we have two separate group posing for two different camera LOL |
my Boarding Pass 😬 |
Mr Zachary, Ms Teeny Teh and Ms Grace Lim |
Losers with Ms Teh
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First Group Photo! |
After getting into the departure hall, we were given some time to roam around before meeting at the boarding room. Went with Wan Ling, Thiam Joe and Bruce to look around the perfume shop as they wanted to get some perfume. They were like asking me whether does this smells nice or not but damn my nose was totally blocked because I was sick the past few days before having flu so I totally couldn't smell anything LOL Wan Ling ended up buying a Marc Jacobs perfume and Thiam Joe bought the Calvin Klein Be. After that we just went around and roam in all the DFS. Their alcohols inside is really god damn cheap man you won't believe the difference in prices from all the bars outside.
After that it was time to gather at the boarding room and we were given the departure card for us to fill. We were all very careful when filling the departure card because our tour agency did told us before that Australia customs is very strict and they play mind games with the passengers. You've to cross whenever applicable in the card instead of ticks (which is common for other countries departure card) as they have stated in the instructions to cross. If they see that you are not following instructions, they would open up and search your luggage LOL. So most of us were just asking and confirming with each other to ensure that we're all writing the correct thing in the form.
It was finally time to board the plane and we're taking Singapore Airline. Tbh I wasn't really that excited anymore because I got to know that my seat on the plane wasn't a window seat. LOL (I want to film the view outside which is why I want the window seats man)
Our Plane that we're gonna take |
Was supposed to take the middle seat with Me, Bruce and then Thiam Joe. But Thiam Joe wanted to change with Phyllis so as to sit with Wan Ling. So I wanted to change with Bruce and take the middle seat since Bruce don't really know Phyllis but ended up JiaYing and Breelyn wanted to change with me and Bruce so the three of them could sit together. So we ended up changing here and there and yay I got the window seat in the end haha.
The moment everybody settle down they take out their earpiece and listen to their songs already. LOL while theres me trying to film using my DSLR and ended up waving so that I can catch their attention and ask them to wave to the camera LOL.
Phyllis, Breelyn & Jia Ying |
After filming and all, I settled down and begin to explore whatever there is in the plane. Each of us had a small interactive "TV" for us to watch movies, listen to songs or to play games. Bruce was like saying he wants to watch this dk what Mekong movie which is a Chinese movie LOL. I didn't really feel like watching a movie so I decided to listen to songs instead.
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Music Playlist |
The flight to Brisbane from Singapore was 8 hours omg thinking about it now I don't even know how I even survive that. Tried to sleep but couldn't really sleep so I just wore my eye mask and kept my eyes closed.
The facilitators had told the stewardess before hand not to serve any alcoholic drinks to us shag sia. They serve so many nice alcoholic drinks on board like Singapore Sling, Bloody Mary and all those Spirits and wine but we can't try any of it.
We were served 2 meals on board one being refreshments and another being breakfast. The food was gooodddd af man. It taste really nice.
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Our refreshment Braised Beehoon with Mushrooms 😋 |
Our breakfast Cheese Chive Omelette 😋 |
Just when I was about 30% asleep, Bruce woke me up and like "eh want try. I managed to get the Singapore Sling" LOLOLOL HAHA tried it and it taste nice but I just went back to hibernating mood after that haha.
There was this point of time where I felt like there was a small flash shining on my right eyes and initially I thought it was the stewardess or anybody thats just trying to browse through using the flashlight or something. But it happened again and I was like okay lets just ignore it. Then it happened again for the third time and I'm like okay fuck this shit if its happening again I'm gonna wake and stare at whoever that did it and guess what. At the fourth time which is the brightest flash of all there came a "click" sound too. At the moment I fucking knew what was going on and was like tearing my eye mask off staring at Bruce.
Yes Bruce was fucking using my DSLR trying to take a picture of the view outside the window but he doesn't know how to use it. Usually the DSLR had to focus before capturing the picture and while focusing it would let out a short flash to auto select the appropriate settings for the picture. Which is why there was a few small flashes the first time round because he didn't know how to take the picture and the camera just kept trying to focus.
And eventually he took a picture with the flash on and guess what.
Yes fucking hell LOL The whole plane was freaking dark as it was way pass midnight around 4am at that point of time and most of the passengers were sleeping and then suddenly came the flashes. You could see lots of head popping out trying to see what was going on and quite a few of us thought that there was a huge "lightning" outside our plane man wtf I can't even LOL BRUCEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
the fucking photo he took with the flash and yes my hands were in the process of snatching over the dslr |
Sunrise 😍 |
Look at all the fluffy clouds 😍 |
After the lights went off I immediately flew out of my seats LOL. Went to brushed my teeth as well in the toilet. The toilet was really small actually but good enough to take some toilet selfies 😛
After that went back to seat and we're left with around 2 hours more till we reach Brisbane. Asked Bruce to play with me some games using the Interactive TV. We decided to play Battleship. LOL It was quite fun since I won a few times too HAHA.
After that we became bored and he decided to do his own stuff and I went to browse through some movies to watch. Decided to watch Long Long Time Ago Part 1 since I didn't really watched it before. At that time we're only left with around 1 hour? till we reach Brisbane so I just watched halfway only.
After that we finally reached Brisbane Airport and phew it was such a torture siting at the seats for 8 hours man omg but was getting more excited since we're not in Singapore anymore 😛
Walk passed through all the difference clearance stages like face recognition, handheld bag checks and finally luggage collection. The luggage collection took quite a long time and we were sort of over the time expected at the moment. So once we see luggages with our yellow tag we immediately pick it out of the luggage belt and proceed to luggage clearance. Lucky for us the immigration officers didn't really check our luggage and all. In front of us was a bunch of China tourist and most of them got called to check hence when it was our turn, I was damn afraid they would ask us to open up our luggages too. Australia customs has the strictest rule of prohibiting food items to be brought into Australia hence we were told not to bring any food at all over not even sweets. But lucky for us, most of us just clear the clearance within a few seconds.
After that we proceed to the waiting area where I need to use the toilet once again LOL their toilets are considered clean as well but rather small as compared to our Changi Airport toilets probably because their Airport is smaller.
While waiting for others to come back from the toilets, I tried to connect to the wifi connection that we bought at Changi Recommends which cost $50 for 5 days in Australia and we shared among the boys hence it was like $16? for the entire trip with unlimited usage.
After that we were greeted by our tour guide cum driver which is called "Adrian" (To be honest till now I still have no impression when he told us his name and I really didn't know his name till I came back to Singapore and read the SOT blog written by others that has his name on it LOL) we were rushed again since we're kind of behind time due to the luggage collection and we quickly took a group photo at the Brisbane Airport again before heading up to our bus.
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Group photo @ Brisbane Airport |
Okay I spend like the entire night blogging about Day 0 and I feel really exhausted now LOL. Gonna take some rest and continue watching my Naruto before heading to sleep 😬
Once again, its Kim Taevin pressing the Publish button now. CHEERS 🙌
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