Okay Hi . So I said I would post about TASAD 2013 and then I've been procrastinating not doing this post and I've also not really studied for my N'Level phrase 1 . :( So this probably gonna be this one last post I'm gonna post till the end of my N'Level Phrase 1 which is like 19 September probably ? :) Haha . So I've been like wasting my time ever since Thursday not studying not doing anything productive . haha . okay laaah . Let's just start from blogging on TASAD 2013 okay ? HAHA .
Okay . Have been helping out with the rehearsal for TASAD 2013 because I still feel that theres a need for me to be there . tsk . Need to be there to guide them . Then I finally got to know who YuXian is cause previously they are like talking about all Nicholas's girlfriend and Yu Xian name was mentioned . Haha . Now fianlly know who that person is . Supposingly wanted to go study but then went up control room to check if everything is okay and then problems here and there and I had to stay there . Tsk . Been the same for the two days of rehearsal . Haiyo .
Finally after so many people's hardwork , TASAD 2013 finally here . haha
Morning woke up at like 5:30 and couldn't go back to sleep again . Lied on the bed there for like 1 hour and I just woke up when my mom woke up too . Wanted to like prepare fast and go school early but then was like spending a lot of time trying to style my hair which makes me as late as usual . Reached school about 7:18 again . Went up and I saw everybody is assembling at Hall and I'm like wthh then how we set up screen . At first I thought screen already set up liao but then I went up check nothing was there . Tskkkk . After that went up control room gives instruction and stuff . Then morning assembly and went back to class . Thought party started already and I went opening the door and shouting "SUP BITCHES ITS TIME TO PARTYYY" then everybody like just sitting down there only LOL . Awkwarddd . They still setting up the scene before asking Ms Siti to come up . Was helping with the AV . Shall just let pictures shows what happened after on ! :3 .

We had the Guess The Person game for the first part for the teachers !
Cutest baby in the world . How can it be Chicken Little ?! ._.
This picture is da best hahaha !
Fazilah's & Fatimah's Performance .
Boys performance .
After performance Xin Tien was like , Okay guys , BRANDON SAID HE COULD DO IT TOO . And whole class cheered for him to go up ! HAHAHA .
Brandon didn't wanna do it alone so he dragged Azim along too . LOL .
Brandon with his stupid dance . HAHA !
Next thing was Students dedication !
THEN ITS TIME TO EATTTTTTTT . Yay . Best thing ever . HAHA . As usual , last day of term , free food by Ms Siti ! ^-^ .
The promoters . :3 Looking stupid . HAHA .
After eating thats when the camwhore starts .
Randomly holding camera up and you could see one bunch of people running towards you . HAHA .
The JSM . :3
The Malaysia Gang ! HAHA
Next we had class karaoke and teachers are suppose to sing a song each . Mr Fan came out in a cool way . HAHAHAHA .
Mr Fan singing .
Ms Siti singing .

"Just to be the next to be with you ."
Sang this as a whole class . Haha !
Oh ! And we did a Harlem Shake too ! HAHAHA . Cutest class ever .
ENJOY . :) HAHA . Then its time to proceed to the hall . And I ran to backstage .
With Ms Ainah ! :) . Funniest Staff ever ! haha .
Secondary 2 Councilors performance ! :) BEST SONG EVERRRR . ♥
Modern Dance performance . :)
Ms Siti when she gotten the "Teacher Of The Year Award" haha !
Haha . Then the teachers went on stage to say the Teachers Pledge and stuff . Then blahblahblah , concert ended . Haha . Needa stay back for Mrs Kok talking walao . Because of her talking make me missed taking photo with a lot of people siallll . ._. Went up to Control Room and Zheng Hong is there waiting for me . Haha . Went to Canteen to see who else is sitll there . Tsk . Nobody else is there already haish . Went back Control Room and Zhen Xuan is saying that there is a DSLR on the table which he dk is whose . Battery flat so can't see the photos inside . I went to on and tried to catch a few glimpse of the photos inside . Still had no idea who's cam isit . Called ZhiXian and asked who's cam is that and he asked what model isit and I said that it's 600D then he asked me to find Matthew . Called Matthew and couldn't find him . Went canteen search and I can't find him . Until he text me saying he outside staff room . Went to bring the cam to him and he said that its he's . Haha . Tsktsk . He loan his friend then his friend just leave it at Control Room . Haha . After that went back Control Room find Zheng Hong cause I told him like very long ago that we're gonna have a date on TASAD 2013 . HAHA . LOL . Then I asked him whether he wanna go back Primary School and he is like "you want go back mey , now can't go back eh . you want go back very mafan need go call your teacher you want meet then come out " Then I'm like wtssss . Tsk . Like this dw go back liao lorh . Then we walked to Admiralty and Jin Quan called me . He said that he already in the canteen and I'm like wtfffff . Can go in ah . Haha then I blame Zheng Hong . Then he called his friends ask whether wanna go back then I think his friend already in school or what and said that visiting hours is like only till 2:15 . Then that time is already 1:55 and we're like still walking to Admiralty so he's again like , aiyah don't want go liao lah . Then I'm like hoiii just go lah if not I go home already . Then he's like oii don't leyyyy , today our date sial ! haha . Then he keep grab my bag dw let me go . Then somehow started raining and he is like ehhh run i don't want get in rain then starting I'm like aiyah nevermind one lah get in rain like veryy swaggy then I started running and shouting that OH SHIT I'VE GOT CAMERA IN MY BAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG . HAHAHA.. :3 EPIC FAIL . LOL Then both me and Zheng Hong ran our way to Admiralty while the others just continued walking LOL WTS . After that we were like outside KFC deciding how . Then in the end I had to run back to ADMPS to find Jin Quan before going back to find them again . So I ran to ADMPS to find Jin Quan and then he was just walking around . Went to the canteen saw Yih Jing and he shouted my name omg so embarrassing . I think almost half the canteen heard my name . LOL . Went to canteen and just nice they blew the whistle saying its time to go NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :( I just reached only sialll . Omg . HAHA . LOL . Then went out and went back to Admiralty . Went KFC with Zheng Hong , Zhen Xuan , Kenny & Jia Xing ! Random ahhh . Not really close with them also except for Zheng Hong & Zhen Xuan hahah . Went there chattt . Then they don't know why sit there don't want go buy food one sial lol ! Then like 30 mins later Zheng Hong stand and went to buy then all started buying . LOL . Haha . Supposingly I ain't eating cause I just think that KFC gives me too much calorie but I couldn't take it and I just ordered a Roasta meal . :P . Haha went eating and then Zheng Hong & Jia Xing primary school friends came and they went out to talk . They went for like freaking 1 hour standing outside making me Zhen Xuan & Kenny waiting inside the KFC for them . Zhen Xuan is like they dw come in I play with their food already then he jiu start putting sauce all over the fries and etc ! HAHA BADASS SIAL . I only eat Zheng Hong derh cheese fries . LOL . :3 Then after an hour they came in and Zheng Hong is pissed we ate his food . HAHA . LOL . Then we continued slacking till around 5+ . Was like gossiping in the KFC . haha . Playing with Kenny's phone texting somebody LOLOLOL . After that around 5+/6 we went to Macdonalds cause Zheng Hong wanna eat Ice Cream . LOL . We went there and after awhile we went back home . Haha . Now photo time . :)

Me & Zheng Hong ! :)
Random shits in my bag haha .
Haha ! Okay thats it for TASAD 2013 . Went home slacked played Orgasms with ZhiXian and stuff . :P .
Friday ... I forgotten what I do already . Am trying to rush this blog post for somebody so I think i'll just skip this day ! HAHA And yeah . I was like reading Yu Xian's blog and then Yu Xian was like thanking everybody but she never thank me sialllllllllllllll ! HAHAHAHA . HEY I'M JUST JOKING AH CHILL CHILL . X) .
Saturday !
Going in to Malaysia on that day . Morning woke up like around 8+ . Had to go prepare to go out . Used com for awhile and went to bath . After that prepare style hair everything settle then off we goooooo ! Haha . Going back Malaysia visit grandparents uh . Don't know why I style my hair till very nice also LOL . Father drove to Marsiling cause Mom needa buy some things back . Stayed at car and camwhore cause I find my hair very the nice you knowwww . hahahah . After that went to Woodlands Causeway checkpoint . Woah the traffic jam over there damn jialat siallll . One whole long stretch . Dad went through Tuas checkpoint instead ! HAHA . But need pay a lot sial . At least $12+ . LOL . Haha . After that fall asleep on car . Dad wake me up and I thought we've reached but nah we went to buy some food first instead . Bought some kuehs and stuff . In Malaysia they called it 菜板 . I don't know if you all know about it . Haha ! It's nice ! :)
After that I told dad I wanna eat Prata so he droved me to a nearby prata shop . I was like wondering , Malaysia got cheese prata one anot ah ? HAHA . Then walao sad the shop closed liaooo . :( Then we went to buy some cakes and off we go back to Grandparents house ! :) . Reached grandparents house . Started eating this and that haha . There fried beehoon very nice sial ! My mum is like " Nice mey this beehoon . " Then I'm like "Nicer than yours eh ! " hahaha badass son I am . :3 After that I continued eating this and that LOL . After that tried to use com and connect to a wifi but none wifi available there . :( My aunt didn't install wifi there . She's been saying she wanna install like ever since dk how many years ago but she didn't hahaha . :3 Too bad ! After that went to watch TV and I fall asleep at the ending part sial walao . It's the Wu Chun and Ai Sah show sial I think ? HAHA the what 梁祝 one . It's like a love story show of a girl that posed as a boy went to a camp to learn gong fu and in the end fall in love with the big brother there . In the end got some problem here and there and they had to die together at the end . I think ? I FALL ASLEEP . :((((( HAHA . After that I woke up awhile Mum is like , eh wake up la we want go back Singapore already . LOL . So I went to wash face make hair abit and eat some food again hahaha I'm such a eater . :P After that went back Singapore . Went to the Market to buy some food back to eat . Bought quite a feast sial ! HAHA Damn niceeee . Custom was like super free flowwww . No cars at all sial . I mean like got like but no traffic jam at all . But then those heading in Malaysia is like jamming like siao LOL . Mum said that it had jamed for the whole day already woah haha good luck to those in the jam ! :3 . After that went home started eating ! Then talked and bathed . Used a little bit of computer then played Orgasms with Zhi Xian again . After that sleeeep . haha . Thats all for the day .
Which is like today ? Haha . Went out with Elson to studdyyy . At first he told me 2:30 meet at cwp . Then he 12+ text me say he going cwp already LOL ask me meet earlier . Then I wanted to go bath but my mum decided to ask me at this super bad timing to help her move the furniture . LOLOL . Move move move till around 1+ then I went to bath . Haha ! Style hair abit then prepare everything then off I go to meet him haha . Starting we went to library . But because theres no table so we had to go other place to find table . Went starbucks and its full again . In the end decided to go Macdonalds . Haha . Was studying then Elson suddenly disappear . He went to bought Shilin Street's Fried Chicken for me to eat awwwwwh so sweeett ♥ HAHA . Then he bought for me coke too omg he's too good . LOL . HAHA . After that went back home around 5 . I suggested that we should walk home instead of taking the bus so we walked . HAHA ! Didn't really try walking home directly from CWP before except for last time went to walk around Woodlands with En Di ! HAHA . Reached home all tired and stuff . And yeah . Thats about it for today . Haha ! Somebody must be dying to read this posttt . :3 HAHA . HI YUXIAN . I KNOW YOU'RE READING THIS . READ MORE OF MY "PAST EXPERIENCE" BLOG POST AHHH ! HAHA . X)
Haha . Okay thats about it . I've still got school tomorrow . *SIGH* N Level in like a weeks time . People can you save me ? :( . Haha Okay gonna end this post noww . But waitttt . Let me post some selcas I took ! :P And I kinda like the hair I styled today . HAHA !
I'm sucha cool man . X)
Just some random app i downloaded and tadah . this picture is kinda nice . :)
Am I cool like this ? :)
In theee carrrrrrrrr .
And you're gonna hear me ROARRRRRRRRRRRRR .
HAHA Awkward pose !
Okay another cool sign . Sigh at my forehead wrinkles or whatever you call it .
Okay It's KimTaevin pressing the Publish button . PEACE OUT . :)