boohooos !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Long time no postt lerhh yeyy ! :D HAHAHS ! Sun , Went to CWP with Shi Xuan {SISTERS} , Harlia , Azim , Putri . hahas , hadd lotss fun ! (: half way , an extra come . ruin all our mood . but nvm ! (: Melvin is here to savee everyones mood ! :D hahas , (: Taken neo-prints :D HAHAS Damn treasure it (: hehe .
Yesterday , Mon , 26/4/10 , was Shi Xuan {SISTERS} birthday hahahsa ! sang birthday song in class . then after skool . want to trick Shi Xuan to HDB then throw Flour at him :D:D hahas , but when walking . Shi Xuan keep ask me why all the friends look so weird . hahas . then they open the flour then some take . then keep drip drip the flour out , then Shi Xuan see in the floor got flour . then he ask , ehk , why floor got flour ? then Marianne started running towards her to throw flour at him . then Shi Xuan runn back to skool :D hahas . then Shi Xuan say , ok ok . want play go HDB play . dun outside skool play . then we walk to HDB , and we started running around to throw flour at each other . All aim Shi Xuan XDD XDD but then later all aim me X.X hahas , then later , me and Shi Xuan agree to throw on each other :D hahas . he thrown on my face . I throw on his face too (: hahas :D was damnnnn funn ! (: hahas . then later . all go clean up . and clean up the floor . hahas ;D then all went home . anw , Shi Xuan oldest man there :D WHITEE HAIRR ! :D:D HAHAHAH :D W00TS ! (: hahas . was rather funn . walk with Harlia & Shi Xuan to 888 , then take bus home (: hahas . the day ended here (:
Tmr having English MYE and im still here posting . OMG ! ): Fail tmr test ?? uhh uhhh ! im gonna pass it with my life . (: going to study now ! (: bbyes ! :D hahas (:
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Backk to postttttt :DDDDDDDDDDDDD hahas ! (: post about today only barhhs .. (:
Today , Morn went to skool . take bus to skool . then at first , got 1 bus . then its like full . then got 1 man walk out the door cause full , then 1 auntie squeeze in , haha ! so kia su ! :D everybody look at her . HAHAS :D then another bus come . board , reach Admiralty . came down . then walk to skool . (: reach class , was very borreedd ! :X then Ms Joyce came in , then talk to the Under Monitering people . then blah blah blah . Read story book , so bored :X then blahblahblah . had Recess at 9.30 (: didnt eat . walked around (: then 10 went back to class , then Ms Joyce come . then talk talk talk , then Alarm Went off (: Skool was in fire . A fake fire :D HAHAHA ! then waited for Principle to give instruction through the PA system . LOL ! she say , "Evacuate Now" we then can move :D HAHAHS . when she say liao , we can hear the chair dragging when we stand up . hahas . then alot people line up outside when is everybody line out outside . HAHAH ! idk what i toking ;DD then walk down to field . so muddy :X then call us stand in register number . then do as follow . then call us squad or sit ;X ofcourse i squad lah . so muddy , alot people pants tio mudd ^^ Me & Joseph , support on each other :D:D then tok tok tok . they call us go hall . sit . give us water , so smelly the water == then bo bian thirsty , drink the water . dismiss us . go back class . blah blah blah . dismiss . wanted to go CWP with Weiteck & Shi Xuan , but Weiteck disappear ==" then me and Shi Xuan go ownself . Return book to national library , borrow new book . dk why borrow till so tick derh :X nvm . hahas . went to Mos Burger , Shi Xuan eat his Terriyaki Chicken . then i nvr eat . cause idk what to eat :D then say ltr he eat finissh i go eat MAC . then go to CWP Mac . no space , went to civic derh , no space too . bo bian , go KFC . then alot space . LOL . then find a place to sit , sit . i go order . then i eat . Shi Xuan at there keep joke joke joke . i swear he is damn cuteee derh lorh ! :D HAHAHAHAS ! then after that , went home . took bus . Reach home . Facebook , MSN . Blog . hahas . no more to post (: gotttogo . Bbyes ! :D
Now chatting with Liqin ah Jieh ! :D hahhas ;D
Anw , Get Well Soon JIAMIN jieh ! :D
Tags Replies ;
maggie : yoyo ! taggtaggs ! miss you
Reply : Miss you too ! :D thanks (:
maggie : HELLO DI ! Taggtaggs !<3>
Reply : Okyeh okyeh ! :D thanks thanks (: Will try to lik you ASAP hor ! :D
Xiaoloves : Heyy, junior. Liqin here, passby & tagged. Do link me up ;D
Reply : Okyeh okyeh ! :D hahas , (: thanks . tryy link you ASAP hor ! :D
Reply : hellohs (: thanks :D
Xxiia0Light <: : Jiaming ur stead ah ? ? ? (:
Reply : Nope , my da Jieh ! :D
yuzhen : taygges :)
Reply : thanks .
Today , Morn went to skool . take bus to skool . then at first , got 1 bus . then its like full . then got 1 man walk out the door cause full , then 1 auntie squeeze in , haha ! so kia su ! :D everybody look at her . HAHAS :D then another bus come . board , reach Admiralty . came down . then walk to skool . (: reach class , was very borreedd ! :X then Ms Joyce came in , then talk to the Under Monitering people . then blah blah blah . Read story book , so bored :X then blahblahblah . had Recess at 9.30 (: didnt eat . walked around (: then 10 went back to class , then Ms Joyce come . then talk talk talk , then Alarm Went off (: Skool was in fire . A fake fire :D HAHAHA ! then waited for Principle to give instruction through the PA system . LOL ! she say , "Evacuate Now" we then can move :D HAHAHS . when she say liao , we can hear the chair dragging when we stand up . hahas . then alot people line up outside when is everybody line out outside . HAHAH ! idk what i toking ;DD then walk down to field . so muddy :X then call us stand in register number . then do as follow . then call us squad or sit ;X ofcourse i squad lah . so muddy , alot people pants tio mudd ^^ Me & Joseph , support on each other :D:D then tok tok tok . they call us go hall . sit . give us water , so smelly the water == then bo bian thirsty , drink the water . dismiss us . go back class . blah blah blah . dismiss . wanted to go CWP with Weiteck & Shi Xuan , but Weiteck disappear ==" then me and Shi Xuan go ownself . Return book to national library , borrow new book . dk why borrow till so tick derh :X nvm . hahas . went to Mos Burger , Shi Xuan eat his Terriyaki Chicken . then i nvr eat . cause idk what to eat :D then say ltr he eat finissh i go eat MAC . then go to CWP Mac . no space , went to civic derh , no space too . bo bian , go KFC . then alot space . LOL . then find a place to sit , sit . i go order . then i eat . Shi Xuan at there keep joke joke joke . i swear he is damn cuteee derh lorh ! :D HAHAHAHAS ! then after that , went home . took bus . Reach home . Facebook , MSN . Blog . hahas . no more to post (: gotttogo . Bbyes ! :D
Now chatting with Liqin ah Jieh ! :D hahhas ;D
Anw , Get Well Soon JIAMIN jieh ! :D
Tags Replies ;
maggie : yoyo ! taggtaggs ! miss you
Reply : Miss you too ! :D thanks (:
maggie : HELLO DI ! Taggtaggs !<3>
Reply : Okyeh okyeh ! :D thanks thanks (: Will try to lik you ASAP hor ! :D
Xiaoloves : Heyy, junior. Liqin here, passby & tagged. Do link me up ;D
Reply : Okyeh okyeh ! :D hahas , (: thanks . tryy link you ASAP hor ! :D
Reply : hellohs (: thanks :D
Xxiia0Light <: : Jiaming ur stead ah ? ? ? (:
Reply : Nope , my da Jieh ! :D
yuzhen : taygges :)
Reply : thanks .
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
LOL . got something nvr post in previous post :D ermm , On the firday , when i went to sentosa blah blah blah derh , that evening , i went back to skool for Meet The Parents Session . I went to skool first before my parents , take bus . meet till Janica :D then at skool meet till alot people . then one very funny things happen :DD not posting (: hahas , then went hall , got free ice-cream :D LOL . then sit down , then Parents start coming in , then Mrs Kok talk talk talk then Mr Jack Chong , then blah blah bla , messaged people when they talking ^^ so bored :O then went back class take . then saw Shi Xuan's {SISTERS} Brother , Shi Wei , so shuaii :DD HAHAS , then alot people also say ^^ then meet teacher , Teacher blah blah blah , then i know my result ! :D i got 3A1 , 1 A2 , 1 B3 , 1 B4 , 1 C5 , 1U :DD HAHAS . PRO RIGHT ! :D i know (: (: HAHAS ! Okyehs no more to post (:
Evidence ^^
Okyehs (: bbyes (: tagg more ! :D
Saturday, April 10, 2010
As promise (: I'm blogging today ! (: hahas , too long nvr post liao . lost the skill , what to post ? HAHA ! :D ermm , try post more often , but i really is lazzyy when think of posting something ;OOOO nvm ... Okyeh , start on with my WEEK X ! Experiential Week (:
MONDAY ! (: 5/4/10
Went to skool . Had a morning break . then go to Fort Canning (: sit on bus , want to sleep . but message somebody (: so not sleeping . then reach , was like so hot , and alot mosquito ==" so boring also , go see the tomb ... .__. then see the archaelogy site . then home . LOL ! after that still got English News Maker lesson . so we went to mac to eat . then went back skool . nothing to do . played Hide & Seek . LOL ! play till half , very tired . went to library to get air-con :D then take take photo . after that went up to com lab for New Maker Lesson :D then , we use the webcam then record like a news reporter :DDD HAHA , damn funny :D after that , went home (: Rained :X walk in the rain . LOL . the day end here .
TUESDAY ! (: 6/4/10
Went skool . Got Maths&History Trail . History Trail first . went to diff station . one station , teacher call me go up board . then call the people choose a girl in the board derh picture for me . then they choose a 1970 girl for me == LOL . then another station , they give us a block of clay , then a wood , and a bursh , then call us to break the clay using the wood then find treasure , hahas , like archaelogist . LOL ! then had break , then is Maths trail . Nothing really .. but quite fun . went home , day ended here .
WEDNESDAY ! (: 7/4/10
Didn't went to skool . E-Learning day . was freaking bored after doing all the assignments . Nothing much this day . Nothing to post . Day ended here .
THURSDAY ! (: 8/4/10
Went skool . Going to Bishan to learn skating (: had morning break first (: then sitted in bus , reached . they tell us blah blah blah , then give us the gear , then call us wear , so itchy :X then they tell us how to fall . LOL then i try balance , falled . then they give us water break , :S our water is so far away , and we are in our Skatting shoe . and they say we can crawl go take . LOL . alot poeple crawl . hahas , damn funny , then Shi Xuan {SISTERS} say he dun wan crawl , i think he think very paisehx bah , i forget :X LOL ! then after that , over liao . sitted bus , went back skool . dismiss . went back home .
FRIDAY ! (: 9/4/10
Went to skool (: Going to sentosa , build sand castle . damn excited :D Had morning break again (: then sitted bus . with Joseph , then he keep punch Shanice seat :DD say he train muscle :D LOL . reached , go to our shelter , take off our shoe , went to the sand . they teach us how do . then we do , then got facilitators help us also . LOL . do do do . then i go down to sea take water , damn fun , then in the end , i went down to find sea shell :D i wanted to take , then the small water wave push them away . haha , very fun though but tiring ;O at last went back home . then Blah blah blah ...
LOL . nothing much to post . Today went to cemetry to Pray for GreatGreat Grandmother , GreatGrandfather & GreatGrandmother . then sit in the Lorry back . then got wind blow the sand go in my eye ==" wtf . then i cant get it out . then everybody keep ask me what happen . Hiazz , LOLS . Okyehs . Nothing more to write . Bbyes (: going sleep . hahas
Anw , Get well soon , JIA MIN ! :DD
MONDAY ! (: 5/4/10
Went to skool . Had a morning break . then go to Fort Canning (: sit on bus , want to sleep . but message somebody (: so not sleeping . then reach , was like so hot , and alot mosquito ==" so boring also , go see the tomb ... .__. then see the archaelogy site . then home . LOL ! after that still got English News Maker lesson . so we went to mac to eat . then went back skool . nothing to do . played Hide & Seek . LOL ! play till half , very tired . went to library to get air-con :D then take take photo . after that went up to com lab for New Maker Lesson :D then , we use the webcam then record like a news reporter :DDD HAHA , damn funny :D after that , went home (: Rained :X walk in the rain . LOL . the day end here .
TUESDAY ! (: 6/4/10
Went skool . Got Maths&History Trail . History Trail first . went to diff station . one station , teacher call me go up board . then call the people choose a girl in the board derh picture for me . then they choose a 1970 girl for me == LOL . then another station , they give us a block of clay , then a wood , and a bursh , then call us to break the clay using the wood then find treasure , hahas , like archaelogist . LOL ! then had break , then is Maths trail . Nothing really .. but quite fun . went home , day ended here .
WEDNESDAY ! (: 7/4/10
Didn't went to skool . E-Learning day . was freaking bored after doing all the assignments . Nothing much this day . Nothing to post . Day ended here .
THURSDAY ! (: 8/4/10
Went skool . Going to Bishan to learn skating (: had morning break first (: then sitted in bus , reached . they tell us blah blah blah , then give us the gear , then call us wear , so itchy :X then they tell us how to fall . LOL then i try balance , falled . then they give us water break , :S our water is so far away , and we are in our Skatting shoe . and they say we can crawl go take . LOL . alot poeple crawl . hahas , damn funny , then Shi Xuan {SISTERS} say he dun wan crawl , i think he think very paisehx bah , i forget :X LOL ! then after that , over liao . sitted bus , went back skool . dismiss . went back home .
FRIDAY ! (: 9/4/10
Went to skool (: Going to sentosa , build sand castle . damn excited :D Had morning break again (: then sitted bus . with Joseph , then he keep punch Shanice seat :DD say he train muscle :D LOL . reached , go to our shelter , take off our shoe , went to the sand . they teach us how do . then we do , then got facilitators help us also . LOL . do do do . then i go down to sea take water , damn fun , then in the end , i went down to find sea shell :D i wanted to take , then the small water wave push them away . haha , very fun though but tiring ;O at last went back home . then Blah blah blah ...
LOL . nothing much to post . Today went to cemetry to Pray for GreatGreat Grandmother , GreatGrandfather & GreatGrandmother . then sit in the Lorry back . then got wind blow the sand go in my eye ==" wtf . then i cant get it out . then everybody keep ask me what happen . Hiazz , LOLS . Okyehs . Nothing more to write . Bbyes (: going sleep . hahas
Anw , Get well soon , JIA MIN ! :DD
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