HOHOHO Melvin is here wishing u a merry chirstmas!(^o^)
Nth to do these day and sch is reopening in a few days time and i am going to b a p6 boi le.....so scared abt PSLE i hope i get above200=(.......and i chhange the method on Tags replies i will reply on the side of the blog so see there^^...and maple now is on patch hiazzz and gratz my maple lv 47 le^^kkk will end here bb.
Remember to tag be4 leaving(^_^)
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
hello all!long no post liao.....LOL...now sweating all over cuz singapore is super duper HOT!!!today play wif edison then edison use the termoniter pok my ear..all the way in leh..so pain leh.....use water wash then feel better...go take a after noon nap...wake up feel like wake up frm a bang...feel so sianzzzzzzz.......now watching the TV wif my caring Cousin=)...except for somebody for always see wat i am doing when i am using the computer...LOL hatre him alot...now still got 17 more day to school reopen.....this few week so boring wish can go out and SHOP! =)...now my fcking idot retard cousin say me i juz feeling lik saying fck off fcker go gaylang zou ji lah..mai cha lah idot....now i feel lik eating durian.........tmr i wan to sleep till 11+.^^.....kk going to end here this few days cnnt choing maple le........and gratz my maple lv 38 le...kk lah i gtg le ^^
zhou:no ned le i nt that poor till ned ppl buy me things..=="
zhou:no ned le i nt that poor till ned ppl buy me things..=="
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
~So Sad~
~Ring~.... the school bell rang and all my classmate was so happy as it was the last day of school!!!!SCHOOL WAS GONE HOLIDAY IS HERE!!said my fren........now i at my cousin hse....playing wif edison!!!juz now my idoit cousin go play wif edison then i say dun play liao then he say blah blah....then they run around then they run around the room then edison fall then the cardboard made of plastic was broken cuz edison head fall on it then i quickly call my aunt then i see got some blood then the eye was almost hit.it hit the top part of the eye.then so red i scold my idoit cousin then he say what lah nt my fault.i feel lik punching him...then my aunt put medicine on the top part of the eye.hiazzz is p6 nxt year.it is the path of hell.........kk dun tok abt school work.....kk going to end here bb.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
dear bloggie,
hiazzzz today morning see my PRECIOUS cousin EDISON fetch home by his mother....but i want to tell u actually EDISON and mii is nt realted de.....but i find him veri cute so i want him as my little brother.....hiazzz but cannot de.........he also quite clever......he nxt year is nesary...hehe he fianally go skoo le........he everytime say 'dabian' and 'shi shi'...then today his mother say if go skoo teacher call his name must say 'YES' cannot say 'da bian' or 'shi shi'...hahas edison smile happly........i felt happy for EDISON cuzzz is good for children to go skoo and have a knowledgeable mine....plsss do not mind if my spelling is rong......HAHA must smile happly.......hiazzz holiday is coming liao then dunno will go wich p6 class....scared not the same class wif my fren.........hiazzz my study hard for PSLE le cuzzz my result is also nt veri good......now at my cousin house...juz now seat my dad boss car the big bigwan...can let 7 ppl seat wan...so big leh i also so bu liao keep on moving around.......now waiting for my cousin to come bck cuz he let me use his laptop small wan.....veri small leh.....duno y now i miss edison alot leh.....always remember his that cute face of EDISON.......today he go buy his uniform then he try then he look veri handsome...LOL.hiazz nothing to say liao....TAG MORE PLZZ
hiazzzz today morning see my PRECIOUS cousin EDISON fetch home by his mother....but i want to tell u actually EDISON and mii is nt realted de.....but i find him veri cute so i want him as my little brother.....hiazzz but cannot de.........he also quite clever......he nxt year is nesary...hehe he fianally go skoo le........he everytime say 'dabian' and 'shi shi'...then today his mother say if go skoo teacher call his name must say 'YES' cannot say 'da bian' or 'shi shi'...hahas edison smile happly........i felt happy for EDISON cuzzz is good for children to go skoo and have a knowledgeable mine....plsss do not mind if my spelling is rong......HAHA must smile happly.......hiazzz holiday is coming liao then dunno will go wich p6 class....scared not the same class wif my fren.........hiazzz my study hard for PSLE le cuzzz my result is also nt veri good......now at my cousin house...juz now seat my dad boss car the big bigwan...can let 7 ppl seat wan...so big leh i also so bu liao keep on moving around.......now waiting for my cousin to come bck cuz he let me use his laptop small wan.....veri small leh.....duno y now i miss edison alot leh.....always remember his that cute face of EDISON.......today he go buy his uniform then he try then he look veri handsome...LOL.hiazz nothing to say liao....TAG MORE PLZZ
Friday, November 7, 2008
SO SAD..........
today see my PRECIOUS cousin EDISON kana beat by my aunt haizzz i keep on protecting him but my aunt dun wan let my cousin watch tv call him go sleep but everytime Edison watch TV then will sleep wan.....but my aunt dun noe then he closed the tv the Edison call me to on the TV i dont dare then EDISON keep on shouting theni call him stop cuz the voice lik dun hav liao.......then i keep on tapping him then he go sleep....hiazzzz so heartbrokening........wish my Edison will b happy EVERYDAY.........gtg bb.cheerio
today see my PRECIOUS cousin EDISON kana beat by my aunt haizzz i keep on protecting him but my aunt dun wan let my cousin watch tv call him go sleep but everytime Edison watch TV then will sleep wan.....but my aunt dun noe then he closed the tv the Edison call me to on the TV i dont dare then EDISON keep on shouting theni call him stop cuz the voice lik dun hav liao.......then i keep on tapping him then he go sleep....hiazzzz so heartbrokening........wish my Edison will b happy EVERYDAY.........gtg bb.cheerio
hellos People!Melvin is bck to post!!congratz my dad for finding job and was jobless for 2 month..........my SA2 Result sucks man!!........today nvr go to sch cuz my dad nvr cm my cousin hse fetch me and go sch also nth to do.....now playing wif my PRESIOUS cousin E.D.I.S.O.N!!!so happy sia....LOL will end here........
Tags Replies
Everybody:plsssss Tag more!!!!!!
Tags Replies
Everybody:plsssss Tag more!!!!!!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
woot my blog is rotting XP.i abt 2-3 week nvr play com liaocoz of "EXAM".lets tok abt things last few days...
Go to school hall for assembly.Forgot where to sit almost go to the P4 class.So Embarass!!Every P4 teachers looking at me!!Had my first exam Math,50 min for paper 1 booklet A and B.Booklet A went smoothly.But booklet B last four question nvr do.all alot mark wan==".Haiz.Paper went smoothly.I think sure failwan lah.
Take my secound exam,Chinese.think i will get 59 marks cuz quite easy.But nt sure.Trained to my grandmother hse aft school.Had a afternoon nap.wake my leg pain till siao!thn my grandmother rub the oilment at my leg much better.
Depavali no go sch.Stay hm all day study.SO BORING.nth to say this day
Go take my english paper quite easy think can get 52 marks wish can get 68 mark lor cuz can buy new phone
nth to say liao lah wan go choing maple liao and i now will reply all ur tags at post.so must Tag more!!;) cheerious!!;D
Tag Replies
Go to school hall for assembly.Forgot where to sit almost go to the P4 class.So Embarass!!Every P4 teachers looking at me!!Had my first exam Math,50 min for paper 1 booklet A and B.Booklet A went smoothly.But booklet B last four question nvr do.all alot mark wan==".Haiz.Paper went smoothly.I think sure failwan lah.
Take my secound exam,Chinese.think i will get 59 marks cuz quite easy.But nt sure.Trained to my grandmother hse aft school.Had a afternoon nap.wake my leg pain till siao!thn my grandmother rub the oilment at my leg much better.
Depavali no go sch.Stay hm all day study.SO BORING.nth to say this day
Go take my english paper quite easy think can get 52 marks wish can get 68 mark lor cuz can buy new phone
nth to say liao lah wan go choing maple liao and i now will reply all ur tags at post.so must Tag more!!;) cheerious!!;D
Tag Replies
Monday, October 20, 2008
为什么人要这么的脆弱 堕落
珍惜一切 就算没有拥有
微微笑 小时候的梦我知道
回家吧 回到最初的美好
不要这么容易就想放弃 就像我说的
追不到的梦想 换个梦不就得了
笑一个吧 功成名就不是目的
童年的纸飞机 现在终于飞回我手里
所谓的那快乐 赤脚在田里追蜻蜓追到累了
偷摘水果被蜜蜂给叮到怕了 谁在偷笑呢
哦 哦 午后吉它在虫鸣中更清脆
哦 哦 阳光洒在路上就不怕心碎
珍惜一切 就算没有拥有
微微笑 小时候的梦我知道
回家吧 回到最初的美好
微微笑 小时候的梦我知道
回家吧 回到最初的美好
nice song=)
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Happy big day to me<3(its over)
Hello human i am bck to post.my blog is rotting le...=xHappy big day to me but it is over this year no boday wish me happy birthday.....so sad...
my birthday is over and now it time for exam.....juz hav my Mt paper 1...tmr will hav my EL paper 1.......i wish i can all get 58 or above...i must try my best!!and juz change blogskins
k now nth to write liao cuz i wan go choing maple le...........BB
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
thx everyone=)
hiess,human.i am bck to post=)...thuse hu actually help me find but cnnt find the hoddies i wan to say a big thx for you...thank you!=)..thuse hu help me find and found it i will say a big thx to u...THANKS YOU!!=)...wah this week is sure boring der lor.......get bck my result...dont dare to show...but must show to my parent one day...juz face up the problem dont run away frm the problem...there a chinese word call...u fall down frm wer u stand up frm there=)so will juz show...but only holiday then show....zzzZ..k now showing my marks and comment...chinese-35/95...english-27/94...math-37/100..science-55/100...comment for chinese:wah super duper lousy wan lor...comment for english:must J.Y J.Y!!...comment for math:must J.Y J.Y!!comment for science:still ok lar at lease pass....wah 3 subject fail...1subject pass...surely get a big scolding...ok end here wanted to go sleep le...be happy smile always=)byebye..will post nxt wan soon=)
Monday, August 25, 2008
Help me find this hoddie

Saturday, August 23, 2008
A post for u Benjamin.
even though we are best friend.but i juz think that there is a gap between us.....i msn u.u juz wont reply but i noe u is busy doing something...but when i sms u...the same nvr reply....i feel extermly sad and cry for 3-5 mins......but u juz don belive.........u call me to help u change but how can i help??i can only banned u frm saying badword and stop u frm fighting...i nvr got one timr near u for abt five min..i only near u for abt 10-20 secound!!no matter how hard i try i juz cant help u......but i can only help u pay the money that u owe other..........but u say u ned to smoke becuz u has addicted to smoking but i am find.i call u to tell me when u hav smoke......but we are juz nt that closed......we always talk in msn but nvr talk in real live for 1min...got talk to u but for only 10-20sec only.....but u tell me that u will always be my best friend no matter wat.and fri i masg u nvr reply and i cried for 5-10mins.........i call u to revise but u say i giving u stress but i juz wan u to pass......but no matter wat i will always be ur friend!!!!!!!!!!!!FRIENDS FOREVER BENJAMIN....^^}}REMEMBER OUR FRIENDS FOREVER SIGN??
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Wednesday, August 13, 2008
teacher this post is for u and other people..later will post some pic...k today and yesterday in school is super duper boring de lor.....many hw this few days le.....EXAM COMING but juz cant stop thinking about playing computer!!!!!!!!!teacher help me!!!!!yesterday see jun go buy the frog then i see le veri surprise cuz that stupid yi lun i juz see a while then he go snatch say giv bck lah...i was dame angry der lor!!!then i say yi lun wan to be the prince that the frog will become to let jun always remember him...lols juz kidding lah..but hor can see that yi lun hav some felling abt jun wan lah so obvious they always talk to each other lauging all abt...LOLS K NOW WAN POST THE PICS ALREADY!!!AND TEACHER YI LUN AUTO MASG SAY ME BAD WORDS...K NOW SHOW U THE PICS.(on the top) YI LUN DEAD MEAT LE!!!!!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
happy 43rd birthday singapore!!!its another year of national day!!!go to woodland stadium yesterday and hav sports day of.a sad day and a happy.we lost a coustume race and we blame other group as cheater!!i tell my group dont blame anymore consentrate on the time bomb game then is our turn.we do our best and we made the FIRST!!!!!!!we all was very surprised cuz at p.e we always last and now we get FIRST!!!!!!!!iwe went to get the GOLD medle.i was very happy.then our red group say want go kfc celebrate.we ask our other friend wan to go then they say wan.then i go straught kfc wasit for them.then they say go hm bath first.then i go bck to school jumble sale but was raining very havely then i reach school then walk around then 10++ go kfc back then saw them eating kfc le.then i go join them.i go quee up .the quee was super long then waited.i buy valerityvalue meal.insild was a extremly big chicken and etc.then i share the chicken with ming liang.then i trained to yio chu kiang then walk the over-head bridge.saw many sec poelpe holding hands together(that wan that the news yesterday say).i saw my cousin holding hand with a boy then i laught.(HAHA)then i go up to my grandmother hse.then come down again with my another cousin then we play basketball.then i rest at a shelter.then my younger cousin saws his friend then her friend go hit him then i shout dont any how beat people!(HAHA)then her friend ask who is me.then i say i am human(HAHA).then later i go bck to hse then rest drink bubble tea(honey dewl ice-blanded).then my mum call my go trained to woodland mrt to meet her .then we go causeway point.then 6+ we go eat dinner (korea food)yummy!then bused hm.then when reach hm found my hp lost!!i call then the bus driver ans then he say call me go take then i go call my father go take lor...i thought i lost and i am goin to buy new wan but...(HAHA).then played com for 2 hours then go sleep lor.(sellp around11+)okays goin to end here byes.....and WAIT!!!!!!!!!y my title is "HAPPY BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE!!!!!"then i say nth abt it!!!???hahas!k goin to play le AND!HAPPY 43rd BIRTHDAY SINGAPORE!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, August 1, 2008
long time no blog le...
long time no post le........................i dunno how to delet my blog le....who can tell me...............plz!!!!!!!!!!k i bck and long time no blog le.....and wad happend on thursday nite is juz a nightmare.....k i would like all to listen to my nxt blog
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Sunday, July 13, 2008
N.E show
last sat go ne show veri nice leh.....the fireworks ver nice!!!!and the black knight!!(plane)but the show veri short only...u c the heart shape make by the black knght??and the nt complete.ok now c the fire works video
Thursday, July 3, 2008
long time nvr blog le.....
hehe long time nvr blog le.....nth to rite leh.....sat we go the ne show i was so exicited!!!let u c some pics....now every week will post one...come here and c.My Mood:still ok
Sunday, May 18, 2008
bad result
omg my result is as bad as the shit...i fail my eng and chinese but over all pass lah i also fail my math.so bad..^_^...but i never fail my sci.so gd...^o^...my eng over all is 52/100...chinese63/100...math40/100...sci67/100 .....ok byes off to play =>
Sunday, April 20, 2008
science center trip. learning D.N.A
Saturday, April 19, 2008
word from my heart....
YOZ best friendz i always wanted 2 say BEST FRIENDZ FOREVER!!!!!
places i have never gone before........

is these pis nice?? YOZ friends i have go to road safty park on jannary(forgotten when)little india on 28 march ..science centre on 18 april....it was so fun iand it was my teacher who bring me go....science center trips was so fun and outside science center the entrence got a BIG dinosaurse and it will move ......we go to the DNA lab to learn DNA we also do a expermient it was fun we also wear a labcoat that a scientes wear!!!!it was big that it can last my leg!!! .....its time 2 say byesssssss..........
exam coming
healowo friends!!!!!!!!today had nth special but exam is coming need 2 study>3
Sunday, April 13, 2008
a new year new friends new teacher
hihi everybody.....now is 2008 a new year new friends and i have meet a wonderfull teacher "MR tan "and some new friends now i will say bye bye to all of u
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